chapter 1

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Only love can hurt like this 

October 31st the day the potters died. November 1st the day regulus black saved a potter.

Regulus awoke to the sounds of a baby crying, running down the stairs to see in the living room a boy wrapped in a blanket with a note along with a small bag of baby need aside the boy.

Hi my love. If you're receiving this letter specifically that means last night didn't go as planed and Peter betrayed us. And me and lily are well dead.

I don't regret the time we spent at hogwarts together, in truth they where the happiest years of my life. I'll forever be grateful I got to spend them alongside you. We were both in the darkness and somehow found light In each other, is what Remus always tells me. You asked me once if I regret what happened after the incident. In truth yes I regret part of it but in no way do I regret my son- now your son.

There's no one (other than Remus and Sirius) in this world that I would trust to care and protect for Harry. I know that you'll treat him as if he was your own, I truly apologize for springing this on you but I know you regulus you can do it. He's no longer Harry Potter he's Harry black, the son of regulus black the bravest man I've ever known.

I love lily, but I will always be in love with you regulus. I never meant to hurt you and hopefully one day you'll forgive me but until then take care of yourself for me my love. It's no longer you alone to take care of, it's also our son.

Sincerely yours,
James potter-black ;)

Ps. Harry's first words where mama so it would be an honor for him to call you dad, I really don't mind.

Pss. I wish I could say the hard part of raising him was over but it's not it's only just begun. Ether way I know you can do it.

Psss. I love you always have always will

Regulus finished rereading the letter for a second time with Harry in one arm. He had calmed as regulus's touch and was now sleeping. Regulus had tears streaming down his face. James was actually gone. Every part of James was gone all that's now left is Harry.

Regulus passed his thumb over Harry forehead tracing the new scar. Regulus could already tell he would definitely had James untamable hair and cheeky smile. The smile that always melted his heart in ever way possible.

"Harry James potter.... Black. Sorry James but he's staying with potter" regulus mutter to himself. A soft smiled appeared on his lips. Just the two of the three black sisters came in through the flow. Remus and Sirius bursting through the front door.

"Sweet Merlin Harry's alright" Remus breathed out. Regulus gave Sirius Harry to carry while narcissa and andromeda stood on the side. Narcissa with tears streaming down her face. Nearly seconds later falling to the floor sobbing, andromeda sunk to the floor cradling her older sister.

"Marlene she she's.. Merlin's Christ why why her. She was my way out of my marriage to Lucius" narcissa sobbed clutching onto andromeda while her and regulus got her back onto her feet and sitting properly on the couch.

"Cissy what happened" Sirius asked

"Marlenea dead. She's dead. We were going to get married. It was only last week that she proposed and now....... She dead" narcissa continues to cry. All stood silent in shock. Sirius passed Harry back to Remus to hold as he went into the kitchen grabbing two bottles of bourbon along with fire whiskey and five glasses. "Seems like the time to drink" he said setting it on the coffee table poring the liquor into each glass.  Each of them downing in together.

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