Chaptet 38

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Don't run away

"Dad you think aria and Enzo are home already" harry asked. It was already a quarter to midnight and had been a fair few hours since Sirius and Remus sent the potter-black boys back home so that they would handle their own children yet that didn't crease to worry them both.

"By now definitely, you know your uncle Sirius he would have sent us all looking for them if they weren't home by now" regulus chuckled tucking harry into bed for the third time that night. Somehow the boy just couldn't stay in his own bed.

"Dad you know at school I've heard stuff about other dad and mum" harry said regulus sorta froze at Harry's words. It had been months since the two had gone to their grave.

"Oh really like what" regulus asked half terrified half curious.

"Apparently he always asked mum out since they were my age up to their fourth year then going into their fifth year it all just stopped. Also that she hated him like actually loathe him up until then what really happened did she ever stop" harry questioned. Regulus knew these days were quickly approaching. The older harry got the more he wanted to know about his parents. The more regulus had to remember all that he tried to forget.

"Nah she never hated him she tried to but she never did" regulus said. He smiled remembering there playful antics and how once cecelia and lily had gotten together aswell as regulus and James the two would constantly flirt with one another just to make regulus and cecelia jealous. And it worked every damn time.

"Say evans fancy an outing with me at hogsmead this Friday"

"Merlin for the last time potter NO" lily shouted storming off to the library. Sirius Remus Peter and regulus all laughed at another one of james fail attempt to get lily to date him.

"Four years and still getting rejected james don't you think it's time to give it a rest move onto someone else" Remus continue to chucked. James just glanced at remus before strolling off to the library to find lily who sat in one of the corner tables away from people. She looked up from her textbook when she felt him walking up to her, both with grins on their faces

"Do you think they bought it" James asked as he say across from lily the smile on his lips practically from ear to ear.

"Definitely but I feel bad for regulus he's a good friend and he looked absolutely heartbroken" lily said pursing her lips together james sighed and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms.

"I know lils I just, they can't know none of them especially Sirius he would hate me he's my best friend and I fancy his little brother you know how shitty I feel about all of this" James quietly confessed. Lily knew James meant a every word of what he said. How he has falling hard for regulus black and their was no pulling in out of the trenches he had fallen into.

"I get it james trust me" lily sighed.

"Yea well at least regulus saw sadly and he'll most likely go to cecelia telling her everything so that will lead her right to you" James smirked Lily's cheeks burned a bright red. Somehow within the years she had been at hogwarts fate twisted itself and lily was also falling faster and faster for a slytherin of her own.

"Merlin this is stupid she doesn't even notice me ever" lily chuckled as her head fell onto the table james looking at her amused.

"How do you think I feel regulus could care less about me and I'm here trying to grasp at straws so he'll notice me" James said trowing his hands into the air and lightly slamming them onto the table.

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