chapter 10

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la la land

"harry kids don't go too far please" regulus shouted from the sand. he kept his promise to harry beach town and house in Italy, they had three weeks of absolute peace to themselves after the trial. after those three weeks the family holiday rolled in. sirius and remus first. then andromeda ted and nymphadora. following behind the malfoys and longbottoms (with mary). and finally pandora and her girls.

again everything was great, harry and all the kids where safe as well as thee adults. utter bliss is what they where all in. and how they where all on holiday. the kids playing in the water still in regulus view.

"hey reg how ya been" mary asked siting next to him. the two had been some what close during there school days but stopped being in close contact once lily james and marlene passed. of course regulus called from time to time so see how she was doing or to invite her to spend time with the group. it wasn't until a month before the trial that they had gotten close again.

"great actually which is a first considering everything" he said siting up with his hand somewhat behind him as he supported himself up. mary sat with her legs draped over his.

"that's a good thing reg i happy for you" she smiled. they watched as the kids played around in the water. it was a strange sight to see to say the least. neville and draco where closer to one another despite lucius not completely agreeing with the new choice of friends for draco at least he was under the same influence he was under when he was draco's age.

"i'm not supposed to tell you this but i think it's best if you do" mary sighed.

"what is it mary your scaring me" regulus said moving his gaze towards mary instead of the kids yet they where still in his view.

"it's peter, i saw him the other day we'll actually it was harry's birthday that's why i didn't go, i thought he saw me and i didn't want to lead him towards everyone so i turned around and went back to my place" she explained regulus heart sank.

"what street where you on when you saw him"

"i was turing onto andy's street and then i turned around and went home" she said. pure terror shot through regulus. he lived a good eight blocks from andromeda. fear ran though him knowing peter could be so close to  finding them all. sirius and remus live about four blocks away from him as well.

"i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner and that i didn't go to harry's party i didn't want to be the reason peter found you all after trying to stay hidden from him for so long" mary said sadly. she felt like shit for the past months knowing this information and not telling anyone.

"he it's alright mary you did what you thought was best for everyone. i appreciate it truly don't feel bad about it we'll get peter one way or another" he reassured her. after some time past all the adults showed up and the kids ran out of the water.

"it's cold it's cold it's cold" aurora said as pandora wrapped a towel around her. regulus doing the same for harry. neville shook his head getting water on Alice while frank laughed at her. Draco sat in cissy arms shivering while Rosalie sat in the sand with luna not really caring that they where drenched to the bone.

they all stayed on the beach till night fall, all going in and out of the water. at one point regulus tried to down Lucius which was...... ironic to say the least. nymphadora didn't want to get in the water at all to which sirius ted regulus and frank grabbed each of her arms and legs and swung her into the ocean which andromeda then scolded them on. 

by the next day they mostly wanted to stay in. the malfoys where still asleep along with the lupin-blacks. everyone else was out other than regulus and pandora. pandora was baking while regulus sat on the counter eating chocolate chips out of the bag. 

"so how are things with your very lovely husband" regulus asked stuffing his face.

"interesting per day but i love him so where good" she smiled.

"we'll we'll i never thought i'd see the day pandora lestrange was in love with someone" regulus continued to tease.

"you should get back out on the dating field ya know it's about time don't you think" she asked as she kept mixing something in the bowl infront of her. regulus cringed at the thought of moving on from james. yes some time had past but it still felt wrong.

"i don't think i'd be comfortable enough introducing new people to harry just for something to go wrong and they leave, that will just leave harry confused" he said shaking his head.

"i know but it will wouldn't hurt to try at least once to say you did it and who knows maybe you might find you next forever love" pandora suggest moving her shoulders around in a playful manor. 

"i had my forever love already with james it would just be selfish to go look for another, i don't think i'd be able to do that to him just replace him and move on with my life doesn't seem right"

"first off give me the chocolate second off james would want you to move on, it makes no sense for you to stay in the same place and no prosper with your life, you deserve love regulus. james was you soulmate yes but who's to say we can't have more than one soulmate" pandora said snatching the bag from regulus.

"hey i'm stress eating" he snapped

"we'll stop you'll get pimples"

"pans i'm past the age of puberty and getting pimples"

"you don't look it"


"cope.. but seriously regulus think about what i said about dating, i'm not going to push it if you keep saying no but i don't think james would have a problem with it. he'd want you to move on and be happy, that's what he's always wanted for you. he wouldn't want you in la la land forever "


"in time maybe but for now i want to put all my focus into harry, it what lily would want" regulus sighed but not in the sad way. more as if he was determined to make his words into a reality.

"lily would want you to be happy as well" pandora said in a song voice.


"you didn't even know lily"

"true but i do know you regulus and i know you deserve to be happy" pandora said now standing infront of him. not even seconds later they head a door swing open and stomps running down the stairs. sirius bursted though the kitchen door with a letter in head as he tried to catch his breath from running.

"woah what happens sirius" regulus asked jumping down from the counter.

"the she devil she's sick like sick sick" sirius said waving the hand with the letter in it around.

"who's the she devil" lucius asked. he and narcissa came out of there room after hearing sirius running and remus speed watching behind him.

"our mother" they said in synchronization

—————————in heaven————————-

James: the she devils gunna die

lily: JAMES

Marlene: JAMES

James: what it's the truth it's it not

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