Chapter 39

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Summer child

It wasn't a secrets to anyone who knew regulus back and his friend group that they all loved summer. Although he always seems like a fall winter type of person he always loved summer. Even now years aafter he's left hogwarts and has a different friend group now consisting of more family than anything he just loved it.

So it was no surprise harry also loved summer. He loved the freedom that came with summer. Seeing his family practically everyday without having to leave regulus side. Being able to do whatever with his friends and be free of responsibility of exams or papers due.

So like any family they had their traditions. Sunday brunches with the malfoys all year round yet during the summer it was different. Everyone and by everyone it's everyone came down to the potter-black , tonks and lupin-blacks for most of the holiday.

This time was no different. With them all unlocking the door allowing one another to just let themselves in, it was a sign summer had officially begun. Everyone in bathing suits and airy chlothing bath found it particularly strange how aria was in a loose long sleeve and shorts. He found it even stranger when he started to think how he never saw arias arms ever.

"Neville rory can I ask you both something"

"Go for it" aurora said as she laid in the grass across from Neville

"Have ether of you seen aria without a long sleeve on" harry question rory was about to answer when she stopped herself to think. Neville also had at take a minute to think Nether of them had seen her without long sleeves and no one other than Enzo knew why.

Remus and Sirius thought it was from scars yet theta couldn't have been farther from the truth. The situation that could arise from aria not wear a long sleeve would be catastrophic.

"Hey dads can we ask you something" aria asked as she and Enzo ran into the living area throwing themselves onto the couches.

"We're all ears"

"So you know how we're friends with daphne blasie pansy and Theo" Enzo said

"Yes where's this going" Remus said 

"Can they come over for the day" aria waiting in the suspense for her parents answers. They two looked at one another before the shrugged giving them a why not. Enzo and aria jumped in delight before running off again when harry came into the room right after

"I have a question" he announced

"That's all you kids have" Sirius sighed as Remus hit his chest and turned his attention back to harry.

"Why does aria only wear long sleeve I mean is hot outside how is she not getting a heat wave or something" he huffed showing his concern for the girl. Remus couldn't help but laugh at harry. Not for how he said it but why he did. How he's always shown so much concern for aria even when she thinks he could care less.

Remus already saw how history was going to repeat itself. He wasn't prepared for how it would happen.

Glimpse of future

"Aria please don't do this it's me is harry you wouldn't kill me"

"Now that's where your wrong harry after all I am my fathers daughter"

"Let it go harry we don't even know why if you want to know so badly go to the source herself and ask" Sirius said as Remus snapped back into reality harry huffed once more and stomped right back outside.

"Dads this is Blaise Theo pansy and daphne" aria said as the six stood infront of basically all the adults a couple hours later.

"Guy these are our dads" Enzo said showing them off with jazz hands.

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