chapter 27

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"start talking now" narcissa snapped as she her husband regulus and kenna stood infront of harry rosalie draco and liz who sat on the couch. alice had sent neville and aurora else where while everyone had a chat.

"she was being mean to harry" rosalie muttered.

"mean how" regulus asked.

"she told harry to not stick his nose in her business and when we tried to say something she said we all weren't friends" elizabeth explained

"and that gives you reason to call aria names" aurora yelled from the top of the staircase. everyone's head turned as they feisty eleven year old marched down the stairs with determination as neville followed behind.

"aurora who's side are you on" draco said

"the one with more reason, aria said two comments to you months ago and for the past four months you've tormented the girl beyond belief and have not the slightest idea of who she really is cause if you did you wouldn't think of her like that. and you two live with her and can even begin to imagine how her life has been" aurora shouted at the four and the pointed to rosalie and liz specifically.

"we're eleven what could she have possibly gone through" harry snapped.

"more than you can even begin to comprehend, more than she deserves" neville cut in.

"you are so self centered rosalie it's incredible how far up you're head is in your own ass" aurora snapped without another word walking out of the house to the lupin-black residence next door with neville by his side.

"i believe she said it best" lucius said looking at the others. cecelia only shrugged as she sipped on her wine proud of her goddaughter.

"we're sorry" harry said

"it's not us you should apologizing too it's aria" narcissa snapped.

"how much trouble are we in" draco asked his mother.

"a lot but since it's the holiday we'll postpone it but after there will be consequences" lucius said

"you all can go now" kenna sighed as the four stood up ran outside. the four let out a shaky breath as cecelia and alice chucked one they turned about to face the two still sipping on there wine while frank went to get another bottles

"what so bloody funny heflin" lucius asked

"you three raised bratty kids and there corrupting hers" she said pointing at lucius narcissa then regulus and then at kenna.

"we did not" regulus snapped back at her

"yes you did. no offense cissy but rosa is a brat as bratty as they come draco's a snob and harry has a kind heart but he doesn't know how to take hard criticism so he won't express how he fells and we'll i don't know elizabeth or how you raised her kenna but she also seems like a good kid who got corrupted" alice said with a side smile proud to have raised her boy well. 

"we'll fuck" regulus sighed

"GUESS WHO ADOPTED A KID" sirius yelled coming in through the back door. everyone turned there heads towards him mouths hanging.

"you what" regulus choked out. everyone was too stunned to speak.

"aria she's coming to live with me and remus" he smiled proudly oblivious to what had just happened. sirius was never truly able to read a room.

"sirius i have put up with you making stupid decisions since forever but this is by far the stupidest thing you could have come up with, taking in a kid. did you even think this through" regulus shouted frustration over harry made him act out towards his brother.

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