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Dear diary

Lily diary

Dear diary,

Todays the start to sixth year. I only have this year and next then I'm gone. Leaving hogwarts forever and starting my life. Me remus and regulus have a plan to get a flat in England after graduation so at least I'll be near them and I know wherever remus goes james Sirius and Peter follow.

I know I said back in fourth year I hated James but times changed, he's actually one of my best friends now. We even made a plan for him to get with regulus. Oh I forgot to mention James is absolutely and utterly in love with regulus like actually mad about him. It's cute seeing James ignore all the times regulus flirts with him as just being friendly.

And what new with me... we'll nothing I'm still in love with cecelia heflin no shocker their. Honestly how stupid can I be to be in love with a girl who absolutely hates me. I mean she sleeping with any girl who even breathes in her direction, and me. She just skips over me like I'm nothing she won't even use me for one night like she does with other girls.

One night. If that's as much as she's willing to give me that's what I'm willing to take to have her. One night with cecelia heflin.

Love, lily

Dear diary,

Let's just say things took a very wild turn. I'm wild I mean me and cecelia had sex in an abandoned ladies room. It's wasn't even full on sex it was just her eating me out but hey I'll take what I can get it was the best orgasm of my life, better than any boys I've been with I'll tell you that.

I'm hoping things will change but I doubt that I saw her leave dinner early with Evelyn zambini one of her more stable hookups. It's pathetic how I've silently pinned after her for so long I know she knows I mean why else would she have done what she did today.

Doesn't matter anyway she's with Evelyn and I'm here writing in my diary listening to Mary gush over how perfect her and peters relationship is perfect is heartbreaking.

Love lily.

James diary

Dear diary

I don't even know why I'm doing this. Lily gave me this diary thing last year when u was having a mildly dramatic crying session about regulus to which she gave me this and said it would be good to write my feelings or something.

I kinda forgot about it after a shoved it under my bed but today while cleaning out under my bed to find one of my jumpers for quidditch I found it and honestly I think lily might need new ears of how much I talk about regulus so you know might give writing about him a try.

I mean regulus is just regulus he's my best mates little brother, who I fancy quite a lot. I didn't mean for it to happen but ever since second year second bloody year something about him interested me and then when they came to live with me this summer well that want only grew.

I know it's wrong merlin I do couldn't fucking help it I fell for him and I fell hard. I didn't mean to but I did. I want him but I know if Sirius finds out he'll hate me but somehow that would mean I have regulus and somehow losing Sirius for some time and gaining regulus seems justifiable.

It's fucked up diary I know.


Dear diary,

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