chapter 11

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see you later

"mother we came as soon as we got the news" sirius said with a grin as he and regulus bursted into st.mongus. regulus left remus and pandora in charge of harry. both stood some what by there mother who looked paler than usual. her once pitch black hair now a soft grey with streaks of white throughout. her body was now frail from what once was the one of an abusive women who stood with her head commanding everyone around her.

"could you look any more please" she sighed heavily the monitor beeping and a steely pace.

"i was going to bring confetti but regulus didn't let me" he said she sighed disappointed. sitting on the reclining chair putting his feet up.

"why are we even here your not dead" sirius said twirling his wand in his hand. regulus sat on the couch adjacent from the bed his mother laid on.

"i will be soon much to your pleasure"

"mother why are we here you don't even like us" regulus snapped. looking at the women now every bad things she's done to him and his bother ran through his head the same way he and sirius would run through grimmwald place trying to escape her wrath.

"because your father is dead and you both are sadly my children and i have to give someone the black family fortune" she said slowly as if it pained her to admit what she was saying.

"we don't want your money" sirius chimed in regulus nodded in agreement.

"you both weren't my first choice, i would have given it all to bella she represents all the black family should be"

"crazy" both black brothers said in unison. there mother rolling her eyes not having enough energy to yell at the two.

"no not crazy, respectable what the black family has stood for years before you two where in this world. she is the kid i could have only prayed to have , loyal to the dark lord what regulus could have been". she sighed heavily. regulus blood ran cold at her words. sirius jumped up from the chair and quickly closed the door and shut the blinds.

"the dark lord killed my best friends and you still find a way to fucking make this about you" sirius snapped.

"that was just a casualty of a war that had to be won, there deaths served a greater purpose" she said

"a casualty, there deaths was a casualty. narcissa lost the love of her life and fiancé an innocent women who had nothing to do with our family died, the love of my life died and now i'm taking care of our kid alone because there deaths where just casualties" regulus shouted at her. sirius went quite for a second.

there mother had the same look she would get when she would yell at them and then hurt them. but now she was in a hospital bed, reaching the doors of death and could no longer hurt the brothers. something james and remus always wanted to make sure would never happen to them after they ran away.

"shut up child you will respect me"

"or what you'll hit me like you did when we where kids" regulus said somewhat calmly. sirius had no words. ever since they where kids getting in trouble sirius was the one to speak up to there mother he wouldn't dare let regulus speak knowing he could get in trouble, even if regulus did want to speak up to there mother.

for once regulus wasn't the scared kid hiding behind his older brother from his mother, regulus black was talking back. the one thing his mother hated most.

"hush boy i did what i had to do. to make you both the dark lords loyal soldiers"

"yea and how'd that turn out" sirius snapped.

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