chapter 7

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face reality

four months later it was now harry's fourth birthday. regulus set up his backyard with decorations galore. andromeda ted and nymphadora helped.

"no need to fear the fav gay uncles are here" sirius shouted with balloons and a big box in his hands while remus walked behind him with more box's and bags of gifts. to say harry wasn't spoiled was well a grand understatement.

"sirius where the hell am i going to put all these toys" regulus slowly shouted. "you have this big ass house you will find space" sirius snapped placing the gifts in hand on the table and going back around the car to get more.

"harry it's cake time" regulus called for. everyone was there. mia and monty, lupin-blacks, tonks family, the malfoys and lily's parents, along with kids from the neighborhood and there parents. the party was packed with kids running around on a sugar high. harry along with every other kid on a sugar high ran towards the table surrounding harry who stood infront of the cake. 

"regulus stand behind harry i'll take the pictures" remus offered. regulus obliged knowing he couldn't win with remus. everyone began singing happy birthday regulus stood harry with his arms draped around him as he stood on a chair to seem taller.

"blow out the candles with me" harry whispered into regulus ear as he tugged on his hair. regulus nodded holding himself with one knee on the car to get on the same level as harry. everyone finished singing regulus looked at harry through the corner of his eyes blowing out all his candle while regulus pretend to do it with him.

"daddy can i open presents now" harry asked once a good amount of people had gone home. the tonks mia monty sirius and remus where only people left. lily's parents where the first to leave not being able to stand the fact harry wasn't put into there custody or there other daughter petunia.

"go ahead" he smiled harry ran to grab the biggest box. which was from sirius no surprise there. as harry continued to open presents regulus began to clean the back yard when mia saw him from the living room and excused herself out to go see the boy.

"regulus darling you know you don't need to clean this right. monty and myself would be happy to do it for you" she offered

"thank you mia but it's really something i should do" he said politely. they could hear harry squealing in the background from his gifts.

"your raising an incredibly fine young man regulus. james and lily would be proud" she smiled talking one of his hands into hers.



"thank you mia, but i'm pretty sure that's just lily's genetics until he turns into james" regulus chuckled

james: rude

"i miss him, james. as much as any of us want to find james in harry we can't. we have to let him grow to be his own person and i know you miss james but just know he loved you more than you will ever know" mia said  tears weld up in her eyes at the talk about her late son.

"i tell myself that all the time, at first i just.... i wanted harry to replace james in a way but then the more i pushed some of james's habits onto him the more he would retaliate and show that he is his own person"

"like his james loves cherry pie and harry loves treatal tart i understand what your saying, when sirius and you first showed up at my door step i gain another son and it hurts to face the reality that i lost one but he left his legacy behind intrusting
you would know what to do"

"but i don't i've read so many book trying to get an understanding of how i'm supposed to raise harry but each time i think i know what i'm doing he just grows up a little more and i'm back at square one"

"there's no book you can read that will say how to raise the perfect child, i've read them and you saw how james acted-"


"- you just go along with it and make decisions that you believe will benefit harry in the long run, wether it's to put him in hogwarts or send him to muggle school it's your choice because he's your son, no one can makes these choices for you or him"  she said. regulus smiled back at her taking in the words she said.

no one could deny the fact harry was regulus son. although there weren't many physical similarities, there personality's where unmatched. basically the same person. kind loving, every word james use to describe regulus you could use for harry. but undoubtedly he had his mothers sarcasm you couldn't deny it.

"daddy can i sleep here again tonight please, i swear it the last time" harry pleaded. regulus smiled and nodded for harry to come over knowing it wasn't the last time but he didn't mind. the young boy had been doing it since he was two and truthfully it reminded him of when james would sneak into grimmwald place despite it being dangerous just so she could sleep in the same bed as regulus and be around him.

"tell me a story about you and daddy please"

"alright then" regulus said once the boy had made his way next to him.

"it was our fifth year we where all in the griffindor common room. uncle sirius had detention and was just about to get out when your dad just dropped to the floor" he began. his mind flooded with memories.

"what the fuck happened to james" marlene asked descending from the stairs.

"no idea he just dropped to the floor like an idiot" remus said siting on an arm chair reading as he was unfazed by james just lying on the floor now.

"oi james.... james" lily shouted kicking his side. "i got nothing reg you try"

"i'm good" regulus without hesitation continueing to write his transfiguration paper.

"regulus get your idiot of a boyfriend off the floor he's on my charms textbook" mary complained.

"fine . james..... james you have to get up or i'm leaving" regulus said hitting his foot on james arm.

"he must be awoken with a kiss" james muttered face into the floor.

"i knew i shouldn't have let him read sleeping beauty" mary complained taking regulus seat on the couch.

"in that case let me get sirius from detention" regulus said cheerily. as james quickly shoot up from the floor.

"wha-what i'm i'm awake totally no need for that"  james stutter on his words. everyone in the common room erupted into laughter.

"i'm offended prongs i'm a great kisser just ask moony" sirius said coming in through the door way.

"no comment"

"see amazing"

"that's debatable"

"shut it mckinnon"

"i'm a better kisser than you  just ask cissy"

"don't bring my cousin into this"

"i just did"

"reg you know your brothers a toddler right"

i know james i know"

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