chapter 12

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love if it's torture

there regulus sat once again zoned out to the chaos around him. the cries of narcissa as lucius struggled to hold her up crying over the new information on marlene. ted mary and andromeda yelling at sirius for telling her while pandora alice frank and remus tried to get each of the kids out of the house. yet harry managed to slip away unaware of what was going on and not really caring. 

it was way later now they had gotten home around six and it was now ten thirty. all regulus wanted to do was sleep and not have to think about the burdens of the day.

"daddy can you tuck me in please" harry said tugging on regulus arm. once again the young boy had saved him from his own mind. with a smile regulus picked up harry and walked up the stairs with harry on his hip. no a word to anyone.

"wanna sleep with me tonight again" regulus offered. harry nodded in content.

"it's the last time this time i promise" harry said laying his head in between his neck and shoulder. harry's eyes getting heavier and heavier. by the time regulus had gotten into bed himself harry was fast asleep curled into a ball. regulus began drifting of to sleep his mind on james

"can you just fuck off james this doesn't concern you" regulus snapped as the two walked into there flat.

"it does concern me if that girl was flirting with my boyfriend and he was flirting back. who was she anyway" james asked frustrated.

"she a friend james there's no need for you to get defensive"

"we'll if she's just a friend why can't you tell me who she is exactly"

"it's a complicated situation james merlin stop being so fucking insecure you know you're the only person i fucking love in this world" he snapped.

"oh IM insecure, tell me who's the one that needed reassuring every single bloody day back at school huh" james snapped his words cutting like daggers

"this is not the same james those girls and guys had romantic feeling for you and i was going through a lot of shit you know that" regulus shouted back.

"yea i know you and your death eater cult that i had to save you from cause you where to pussy to leave"

"you fucking told me you would get me out you offered if you didn't want to them why the fuck did you do it" 

"well maybe because i pitted you ever think about that"

"fuck you james you know what go to hell i'm leaving"

"like always leaving when it gets hard"

"what's that supposed to mean"

"ever since i met you whenever things get slightly complicated you leave and pretend it not your problem. you acted the same way when cecelia die" james said. regulus was left stupid. james knew better then to bring up cecelia to regulus, but he wasn't thinking when he was angry.

"go to hell james"

"i'll see you there" james huffed both now silently throats sore from the yelling. james ran his hand through his hair to which regulus flinched and james took notice. they where both still clearly angry with one another. james fed up with the amount on times he's had to reassure regulus on the same matter in the past six to seven years.

"what the fuck is it with you and the flinching do you really think i'm such a bad person that i'll hit you like your mother did"

"i- not james it's not like that"

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