chapter 22

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willing accomplice, honey 

"houses you want go" aurora said as she rosalie draco neville and harry sat in a compartment after getting settled in.

"slytherin" harry draco and rosalie said.

"of course you guys would want that house... neville"

"maybe hufflepuff" he said

"suits you" draco said nudging him. the two most unlikely friends where actually best friends thanks to there mothers. and rosalie had a secret little crush on her brothers best friend. 

"we'll i want the best house of all. ravenclaw like my mum" aurora smirked.

"aren't you supposed to be smart to get that house" harry said without missing a beat to them get hit over the head by his friend

"i am smart potter smarter than you at least"

"potter-black and fair enough"  harry said sinking into his chair. all he wanted to do in this moment was find this fathers compartment and stay with him. separation anxiety was a bitch.

"go" rosalie said he looked confused

"go find your dad" draco finished as harry smiled and ran out of the compartment to find regulus.

"hi dad what you doing" harry said sliding open the compartment door to find regulus reading alone. he looked up from his book and at his son.

"i should be asking you that"

"we'll i missed you"

"you've been away from me for less that two hours"

"your point" harry unintentionally sassed.

"my point is bambi that you should be socializing with your friends not stuck in here with your father" regulus sighed harry only shrugged and sat across from him.

"i'll take option two" harry said taking a book he had stowed away in regulus bag to read.

"only you would sneak a book into my bag" regulus sighed with a slight laugh.

"dad can i ask you something" harry said after some time and put his book down to look at regulus who hadn't actually reading but admiring his son like he used to do when harry was little.

"sure anything"

"when are you going to start dating cause no offense it's been a while a looonngg while" harry asked

"when you start socializing" regulus said his eyes still wide from harry's questions

"touché dad touché" harry smirked. "so if i socialize all year you start dating"

"maybe, why all the suddenness for my love life" regulus asked.

"cause i don't want you to be alone, you don't have to sacrifice your love life for me anymore" harry said

"i'm you're dad it's my job" regulus said as harry smiled

"i know but still you deserve to be with someone who isn't your eleven year old son" he sassed "or father" he said in a lower tone referring to james.

"i already had one great love harry i can't be selfish and wish for another"

"i don't think love is something can be selfish with it's been years and you deserve someone who makes you happy"

"i have you"

"that's isn't me" harry said. after a rather long pause regulus sighed.

"let's make a deal if you socialize and i mean really socialize and make friends and not just the ones you have now, i'll see where i stand with my love life and start dating deal" regulus said harry looked skeptical.

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