5: Condom

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You finally sat down once again after the talk Bucciarati and you shared. "We have a mission, and everyone must participate." The members of Bucciarati's team looked at each other and murmured.

"Let us go."

"To where Bucciarati?" Narancia asked.

"You'll know on the way."

Everyone including the capo, you, followed as instructed by the team's leader.

"We're going on a yacht?"

You've arrived at your destination. It was a terminal. There were boats numbered Lagoon 1, 2, 3 and so on... You all entered a into a convenience store like cabin,

"Don't take the four, Bucciarati. I just know it'll sink. I just know it." Mista said, pleading to bucciarati to pick another boat, anything but four.

Narancia ran behind the counter and you followed him with your eyes. Behind was a mini convenience store. "Hey Y/n what would you like to eat while chilling on the yacht?" Narancia's head pop up behind one of the shelves.

"[Favourite snack/s] and [Favourite drink/s], Pleaseee." You said dragging the s in the last word.

"Coming right up! I think I saw some here— Aha!" Narancia returned and dropped the junk foods on the counter. Everybody was looking at him. His face was plastered with a wide grin, you couldn't help but chuckle.

Bucciarati already chose a boat, Lagoon 1. Mista sighed in relief when his pleas were heard by Bucciarati. "Everything is on the house, Bucciarati." The man behind the counter smiled at him.

"Thank you, sir." Bucciarati's smiled softly, his words sincere. Something's telling you this happens often to him and is used to it.

"Alright!" Narancia said pumping his fist to the air.

The Bucciarati team hopped on the yacht one by one after You got lifted up by Bucciarati.

The yacht was quite small compared to what you were used to, but you weren't there to relax, You were on a mission.

Narancia sat on the floor as he placed the radio he brought as well as the snacks. Mista sat down close to him. Fugo was looking over the railings. You and Giorno joined Abbacchio and Bucciarati.

Getting bored with standing up with the other men, you decided to join Fugo for a little sightseeing.

You walked towards were Fugo was. He was leaning on the railings looking at the trail the boat made on the water. "Oh hey Y/n." He said as he noticed you. You stood next to him, but not close enough to invade his private space.

"Do you know where we're going?" You asked, attempting to start a conversation.

"I do not. Bucciarati didn't said anything. You should ask him." He said with a small smile plastered on his handsome face. His strawberry blonde hair was quite messy from the ocean breeze but it did not stop him from looking handsome. He looks even more charming.

You only hummed. "This'll be the first mission we'll have together. I'm quite excited, although I don't have a single idea where we're going." You both laughed.

"Y/n!" You heard Narancia call your name. You head towards him leaving Fugo. Narancia raised your favourite drink and junk food with both his hands with a wide smile on his face signaling you to come over so you could eat it.

Mista was next to him, he couldn't help but look to your direction hearing your name from Narancia's mouth. He sat properly noticing you're nearby.

Narancia handed you your snacks as you sat with them on the floor, crossing your legs.

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