7: The Torture Dance and a Little Romance

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      "Turn around Capo Y/n, Giorno. I'll give u a favor and let you only hear my stand." Abbacchio said hesitating to include you. You and Giorno walked away from the room Abbacchio and everyone is looking at. You saw Bruno give you an apologetic look. You waved it off, telling him you don't mind and that you understand.

"Man, my neck still hurts." You blurted out and touched your nape unconsciously.

"I got them hostage, there wouldn't be a problem anymore. I got the new chick with a smart mouth, She is unfamiliar as well as the blonde kid, they must be the newbies. I'll capture all of them and make Bucciarati spit where Polpo's treasure is," You heard an unfamiliar voice, you took a peek and saw the man with green hair, Mario Zucchero talking on a phone. So that's Abbacchio's stand. It has a timer on the forehead and it seems to be able to shape-shift.

"They are on their way to Capri." The man, Zucchero chuckled, "The treasure must be there. They took a different route to avoid being tailed."

And then the call ended and Abbacchio's stand disappeared assuming it faded into him. Giorno and you returned to the team. "It only takes 30 minutes from Naples to Capri with a speed boat, and they're gonna be there before us!" Mista Panicked.

"I will turn this floaty into a fish, it's quick enough to swim before the enemy gets there," Giorno suggested. Everyone was looking at him, curious at his idea. "I will be the one to go, since it is my stand."

"Someone should go with you to accompany you, we're not sure how many they would be or how strong they are." You suggested, everyone agreed, Mista ended up being the one who'll accompany Giorno. You and the others wouldn't reach the land for an hour.

"There's a problem though, we do not know who he was talking to. He didn't even mentioned a name." You said.

"Leave that to me, I'll make him talk." Mista humored seeing the man with zipped mouth,

A sudden loud thud captured your attention, averting your eyes to the source, you all see Abbacchio punched Mario Zucchero's head making it bounce on the boat's floor almost falling to the ocean. You only chuckled hearing the gangster from Rome cry in pain, his saliva was dripping due to the zipper opening a little,

Mista approached the man's defenseless body and as he saw his wallet you threw near his body, he picked it up. "Mario Zucchero, a gangster from Rome." Mista reads and dropped his wallet.

"Tell us Zucchero, who were you talking to behind the phone?" You giggled because his mouth was zipped shut, no chance of him talking. He only whimpers, asking for someone to unzip his mouth so he could talk and avoid being tortured.

"There's no chance of him revealing it. He's a hard core gangster." Bruno commented.

"Which one do you prefer I use on you? This eye glasses or the hook?" Mista squatted over Zucchero's face casting a shadow, raising both the objects.

"If you don't talk, I'd have to use both." Mista said seriously, his eyes darkened. You only watched as Mista hooked the man's eye lid and lifted his head up with a string,

Mista was swinging it around and everybody just watched until mista hung the string on the railing making Zucchero face the scorching sun. He couldn't close his eye due to the hook, Mista made him wear an eyeglass, making the sunlight concentrate into one point.

You walked over to Narancia's speakers and turned it on. Canzoni Preferite played.

You looked over at Mista observing his moves, he was moving strangely, you realized he was dancing to the music that's playing. You leaned over to your other leg, crossing your arms as you shake your head with a light chuckle.

Narancia then joined, and then Fugo did eventually. Feeling left out, you stepped towards them and imitated their moves, it wasn't long until you got the hang of it.

You glanced over Mista seeing Zucchero crying due to the sun burning his eyes, literally. You only chuckled as the music ended, making you pant lightly. You caught Bucciarati looking at you with an amused face, you just smirked to yourself and ignored it,

Mista and Giorno began to swim with the fish to head to Capri. It was basically a race between the enemy and them.

Abbacchio, Bucciarati, Narancia, Fugo, and you were the only one on board.

You can still hear Mista's screams as he got dragged by the fish clinging onto Giorno. Narancia, Fugo and You made fun of him, laughing to yourselves,

"We still have approximately an hour before we reach land. Consider this a lunch break." Everyone's attention averted to Bucciarati's voice. Abbacchio only listens and go back to reading a magazine, Narancia handed Fugo one of the junk food he brought.

"Hey Bucciarati." You said, approaching the fine man with a white suit.

"Y/n. Is something the matter?" He responded with curiosity, his full attention was on you. You shake your head no to his question.

"Not really. Since it is lunch, Narancia only got juices and junk foods in the store. I was wondering if you want some?" His brows rose from your response, "It's not really healthy but it's better than eating nothing, right?" You said making him blink a few times for a moment,

"Ah yes, thank you for your concern. If you have cold water, that'd be great." He smiled handsomely finally responding. But he seemed to be caught of guard with what you've said.

"Ah actually, I saw a mini fridge in here when I entered earlier," You said pointing to the bedroom door beside you. "Let me go check if there's cold water." You said making him nod with a small smile on his handsome face,

He watched you entered and open the fridge, there were cold bottled mineral water in it, fortunately. Bruno entered the room and you handed him the bottle.

Once you had the room to yourselves, Bucciarati looked at you and bit his lower lip before speaking. "I know you said it's okay, but I really want to apologize for what happened earlier, you shouldn't have been treated like that."

"It's fine, really. It's my fault for not introducing myself sooner and create suspicion. It happens and I'm glad it did, it just proved that joining your team is worth it." He sighed in relief, his shoulders dropped from being tensed. and a kind smile was seen on his handsome face.

"Anyway, about the announcement you told me earlier, what was that about Bucciarati?" You asked as he opens the bottle. Seeing the welcoming soft looking bed, you sat on it harshly making you bounce a little.

"It's related to Polpo's hidden ten billion lire. I promise to tell you later," You watch him drank the water, his head pushed back facing the roof, eyes closed, and his adam's apple slowly moving up and down as he drinks the liquid. You couldn't help but admit to yourself that you really have a little crush on this man.

He lets out an 'ah' after he drank the entire bottle. He must be really thirsty from the fight he had with Zucchero or maybe thirsty from something else, we'll never know.

"I'll be outside, Bucciarati."

You stood up and walked towards the door, About to leave Bucciarati, but you turned as you felt a hand on your elbow, holding on to you gently to avoid startling you. "Is something the matter?" You asked, eyebrows rose, you gulped secretly realizing how fast your heart was beating.

"Bruno." He said, his hand still in contact with your delicate S/c skin.

"Come again?" You asked confused, tilting your head a little, looking at his azure orbs.

"It's only fair for you to call me by my first name because I call you with yours, Y/n." You wanted to scream, your heart was about to burst, your cheeks were different hues of red and pink, your breath hitched and then realized you forgot to exhale making you slightly light headed when you did.

The way every single alphabet of your name rolled on his tongue made your eardrums hurt due to how loud he was making your heart beat.

You began to worry, what if he hears your heart pounding. But then you remember to keep your cool, as you gathered yourself together.

"Sure thing, Bruno." You were proud of yourself for not stuttering, he finally lets go, yet you can still feel his touch.

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