26: Concern

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     "Why the hell did you took so long?" Abbacchio asks with a stern voice startling the blonde man in a pink suit who was carrying the turtle.

The tension broke, Mista's question echoed in your head, Y-you aren't planning on betraying the boss, right? It made you chuckle silently. Fortunately Giorno arrived, Abbacchio turned to him to scold him.

"They were taking so long so I checked on them, when I got to Giorno I saw him turn the enemy stand's body parts into snakes." Fugo explained.

"There were enemies?!" Narancia yells, Fugo nodded.

"Then why didn't he told us?! Where's Bucciarati and Trish!?" Narancia's voice was loud, obviously worried.

"He did try to tell us he was in trouble, idiot." Fugo said, "He said he waved at us– And don't worry, Trish and Bucciarati's safe inside now." You realized you took too long to go to Venezia, there's a big chance the enemies might ambush you at night again so you thought of a plan.

You sighed in relief hearing Fugo's assurance. Bucciarati came out of the turtle, his eyes scanned the team and then his attention landed on you.

"Bruno." You stood up outside the car approaching the man.

"We were ambushed, but Trish is safe for now," He said calmly as he reassures you with Trish's condition, "Everyone, get inside the turtle right now. The Boss asked us to do something." You smiled to yourself noticing how the tone of his voice change when talking to your teammates.

"It says we should rewind the time for 14 hours using Abbacchio's Moody Blues, that's some creative shit. He didn't mentioned why though, but I think he left a message," You read on Bruno's laptop resting on the couch. You turned to Abbacchio.

"Abbacchio," Bruno calls, Abbacchio nodded sternly.

Abbacchio was beside you his stand Moody Blues manifested next to you, you admire it's oddly mesmerizing skin and it's buttocks that seemed to be better looking than most humans you know.

You silently wondered if that's how Abbacchio's ass looks like. You came back to your senses hearing Abbacchio's stand beep, the numbers moved and then finally stopped at 15 hours before. Moody Blues turned into a smaller man.

It was Mr. Pericolo! You recognized him, The team murmurs observing Mr. Pericolo's figure going forward as they seem to recognize the man standing in front of them.

"Bucciarati. The Boss thanks you for keeping Trish safe. I am asked to deliver you your next mission. Your next mission will be retrieving a disk hidden in the lion statue in Venezia." Pericolo plucked a paper in his pocket showing you the picture of the lion statue in Venezia. Everyone nodded even Trish, "It is extremely private and this is the only way for me to deliver it to you," Pericolo burned the picture to erase evidence but Abbacchio was told to pause it as they examine the photo once more.

"I've lived a good life thanks to The Boss and I finally met Capo C/n. I could never ask for more." Your brows rose to the mention of your codename. Your teammates looked at you and then back at Pericolo when he pulled out a gun pointing it on the side of his head.

Everyone were stunned, you were amused and curious, Next thing you heard was a loud gun shot in front of you, blood were everywhere but then it suddenly disappeared when the man's body was pulled out of the room.

You felt Trish cling on to you, her hand was tightly gripping your arm and she seemed to be shaking a little from what happened. You carefully embraced her, She rested her head on your chest as you patted her pink fluffy hair.

"Don't think too much about it, you should rest now, it's getting late. Sorry you had to see that." You whispered to her, you felt her nod and pulled her head away from you chest. You led her to the L shaped couch and she laid down,

You noticed others were staring, "Man, Trish's really close with Y/n." Mista whispered to himself unaware that Bruno heard it. Bruno only scoffed silently at his teammate's comment.

As you observed that Trish was fast asleep you couldn't help but think how exhausted she was. You were too but you had to ignore it even the pain from your attached hand. It still hurt since it wasn't really Giorno's ability to heal, he just replaced your hand with an object and made life out of it and attached it to your wrist.

A lot of things happened in a day.

You ate breakfast wearing a disguise for safety purposes, the men in the train who attacked you to get their hands on Trish, almost losing your life, Giorno, Bruno, and Trish were attacked when you were separated for a bit. Who wouldn't be tired with all that. You smiled at her sleeping figure, she didn't even complained but your mood always gets ruined whenever she reminds you of the boss.

You turned away from her approaching your other teammates. "Bruno, we should split up one last time. The only way to get to Venezia is a one way road and the canal. You should take the canal with Trish and the others and I will go get the Disk in the Lion statue,"

"We were just discussing that. And no you wouldn't be accompanying them to retrieve the Disk, your hand is still healing." Bruno said, Mista and Fugo's expression were unreadable.

"He's right Y/n. Your hand isn't fully attached yet." Fugo said pointing at the line where your hand was attached. You sighed, you agreed it was still healing but you thought you had enough rest so it doesn't really matter.

"It's okay, it's fine now it doesn't really hurt anymore." You said showing them your hand waving it ever so slightly to prevent being caught from lying, It still hurt like a bitch.

"Liar, I know it still hurts because I got my hand cut off earlier this morning and it still hurts till now." Abbacchio butts in crossing his arms against his chest as he closes his eyes whilst leaning on the wall.

"You're just a baby. I'm not lying." Abbacchio approaches you with a stern look on his face, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were darting intensely at yours.

"You may be good at lying, I'll give you that– Just listen to Bucciarati and stay. here." He says to your face aggressively as if he was furious. His face was close to yours, you could smell his scent mixed with the aroma of red wine.

You let out a tch and sighed. "I hate following men's orders except when you're the boss, but fine, since you sounded worried." You smirked cockily as you sat down on the single-seated sofa crossing your legs.

Abbacchio looked pissed from what you said but he seemed satisfied from your obedience and returned to his position on the wall.

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