29: Is This Farewell?

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     It has been a minute since Trish and Bucciarati entered the church, you sat back down on the side of the boat, looking up the tower. You felt something was wrong from the moment they've disappeared from your sight, it was unsettling and it felt like you'd regret letting them go.

"Shit." You cussed quietly from the frustration of the strange feeling enough for Abbacchio to hear you.

"What's up with you, did that kid Trish affected you that much?" He asks rather rudely and mockingly but you know he meant well. You shrugged your shoulders and sighed once again, "I just... Feel strange." You responded not looking at him but at your feet. Your hair draping like curtains on the side of your face. He thought you were acting unusual.

"I'm just a little scared, since whenever I feel like this, something bad's gonna happen, it sounds stupid, but I hope everything goes well."

"What are you even scared of, Bucciarati will be fine, there are no enemies in sight, we're ending this mission right here and now, have a little more faith would ya." He sounded surprisingly decent at comforting, you felt a little better and sighed to loosen up.

Your eyes suddenly fell on Abbacchio's hand placed onto yours in an attempt of comforting, You looked at Abbacchio with a subtle surprised in your eyes, he looked the same as if he was also surprised by his action. Since when did he placed his hand on top of yours? You thought the same question as him, he cleared his throat and removed it.

"Give me the chocolate or I'll starve!!" Narancia whines, You looked over at them. Mista and Narancia were fighting over a box of chocolates, you couldn't feel your hunger, not when you're feeling strange.

"You just couldn't help it could you?!" Narancia yells stuffily with all the chocolate he ate, the box was now empty on Mista's hand, your eyebrows furrowed, Narancia finally stops fighting Mista as he realized he has been chewing the chocolate with a huge smile on his lips, "Acting dumb won't help you!" Mista got ignored by  Narancia who was happily chewing.

Your eyebrows furrows even more, something bizarre was going on. What you're feeling wasn't actually stupid, but you weren't happy you were right.

Is this a work of an enemy stand user? Or perhaps the boss.

Giorno, who was sitting on the other end of the boat was looking around, Bucciarati's laptop was on his lap. You felt alert when Giorno stood up and disembark the boat.

Abbacchio saw this, he yells at Giorno, "What part of the order do not disembark is confusing to–" You swore you just blinked but Abbacchio was already behind Giorno, his hand was on his shoulder stopping Giorno from going further. Abbacchio was beside you but how the hell did he end up behind Giorno so quickly?

Even Abbacchio was just as surprised and confused as his team.

"T-this isn't normal, something bizarre is happening." Giorno exclaims, "Oh no, Bucciarrati!" Giorno yells the capo's name, he then got away from Abbacchio's grip and ran towards the church's main entrance. You said, "Fuck it," You're officially a threat to the boss from breaking his rules but you know he will let it pass. Unless you take any more moves.

"What the hell?! Y/n?! Giorno!" Abbacchio yells frustratedly, your heart beats faster every step you take, your face shining from sweat and the same goes with Giorno.

"Bucciarrati, yes he's on the move. Don't worry I know exactly where he is. He's currently at the bottom of the stairs to the crypt– no wait now he's behind the pillar two meters away from the stairs. BUT WAIT BUCCIARRATI! something's not right!" Giorno noticed you were following behind him, seeing you made him a little more at ease and calm, He was glad you followed him, after all, he wasn't alone in this.

"Y/n." He calls your name as you reached him, "Giorno, Bucciarati's in trouble. I just know it. Something happened in there." You could still hear Abbacchio's faint yells from the boat but it slowly fades as you both got close to the entrance.

"I-I know, let's do this now." You gave him a determined nod even though it was clear that both of you were afraid to know what is currently happening inside.

You were running in the church, you didn't have time to admire the architecture, it was hard to notice when you're desperate.

You walked passed the long hallways together with Giorno who was running whilst holding Bruno's laptop. You were quiet, only both your loud pants and footsteps can be heard echoing inside the building. There was no one there but you, Giorno, Bruno, Trish and the boss.

Your mind was scrambled, you have no idea what was happening and how is Bruno and Trish was, you were as confused and panicked as the blonde man running beside you. Your heart was on your throat. It was beating like crazy, almost deafening even. Your eyes searched around every time you turn into a different way in hopes of seeing Bucciarrati.

But when you saw him your heart stopped beating and your mind stopped thinking as you and your blonde companion froze from the sight.

"Bucciarati! Trish!" You came back to your senses when Giorno yelled, you thanked him for that in your mind otherwise you won't be able to move.

You were shakily running towards the man's unmoving body. He was lying there, on a pool of his own blood. His eyes were almost dead. You couldn't afford to panic anymore. You were finally in focused as you eyed his blue eyes, it moved and landed on you once again.

You were never disgusted and horrified from blood and large wounds but seeing it on Bucciarati's body made you want to vomit.

You breathed shakily, not bothering to wipe the blood on his lips before you kissed him. Your eyes stung so you closed both, your heart ached.

A bright [Color] light shines from his large wound, you daren't try to pull your lips back, you could taste the blood on his lips entering your mouth but you were too busy hoping he'd turn out fine.

Your first kiss with him wasn't close to pleasant but you were glad you were able to heal him.

Giorno was watching and when he confirmed you've healed the capo, he turned his back and touched Bruno's zipper which he made on the floor. He peaks through it seeing nothing but patterns on the floor.

You finally pulled away from Bucciarati's lips eyeing his face as you sit beside his laying still unmoving body. You froze for a moment. Giorno saw this, his eyes came back to the hole on the floor, to see Bucciarati's zipper fading. "W-wait. I-it can't be!" Giorno sits beside you next to Bucciarati's body. You gulp in hopes of removing the aching feeling in your throat and chest.

This couldn't be

You were quiet, you let go of Bucciarati. You faced your lap, hair curtaining the sides of your face. Your eyes, empty as the man lying in front of you.

This couldn't be it.

Giorno leans on to Bucciarati's chest, yelling to himself, you couldn't understand what he said, you were busy thinking of what was wrong. You couldn't understand a thing, you simply sat there, beside Giorno who was panicking.

Giorno grunted at the sight of Trish's hand detaching as the zippers dissipates slowly on her wrist, he gasped in horror. Giorno turns to you. He knew the situation was bad when he saw your state. His eyes came back to Bucciarati, placing two fingers on his neck to feel his pulse. "H-he's—,"

"He's gone." Giorno said with a quiet voice. For some reason this was the only thing you heard Giorno said. You felt a tear escaped your widened eyes. You gripped strongly on your thighs causing it to redden and bleed.

。。。。。☆ 。。。。。

A/n: HEYYYY DARLINGS XD I'm not sorry for writing this btw

LMFAO TRUST ME ON THIS ONE I love u all, I just thought this angst is fun xD

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