16: Disguise

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     "Giorno, Fugo, Abbacchio! You three go to Pompeii and get the key!" Bucciarati assigned as he finishes reading the boss' order.

Your pout was visible. You wanted to go with them but you trust Bucciarati and your teammates that they can get this mission done.

They'll go to Pompeii and retrieve a key hidden somewhere in the famous dog mosaic displayed there. That was the order of the boss received through Bucciarati's laptop.

"Y/n doesn't look happy, perhaps she wants to come with us?" Giorno noticed, Bucciarati's attention averted to you. Your eyebrows rose and waved it off,

"I do want to come with you since I don't have something exciting to do here but I trust Bucciarati and this is a mission, I must stick with Trish." You assured smiling at them, "And if any of you gets injured, you can replace and fix body parts with your ability." Giorno nodded. Bucciarati spoke.

"Well then. Fugo, Giorno and Abbacchio, should get going. Here's the key to the car." Bucciarati handed the key of one of your cheaper yet practical vehicle. It wasn't anything fancy but it does it's job.

You all were currently resting in your limousine. Trish was unconsciously playing with her hair looking outside through the thickly tinted window.

Abbacchio, Giorno and Fugo already drove away, heading to Pompeii.

Narancia was being Narancia.

Bruno was focusing intensely on his laptop screen,

and Mista was looking at Trish. At her breasts to be specific.

Your brows furrowed as you stood up and walked towards sweaty Mista, stopping in front of his face with Mista getting a close up view of you breasts as you placed your hands on your hips and bending down, towering him.

"Don't stare at her." You hissed. His mouth was agape, eyes widen and his cheeks were the same hue of red roses, he was embarrassed of getting caught and maybe even you getting too close to him. Mista gulped sweating profusely as you sat beside him crossing your arms and legs.

None of you ate breakfast yet and you all were just waiting for your other teammates to finish their mission so you could move on to the next order of the boss,

You went to Trish and asked her if she was hungry and if she wants to go outside to eat breakfast.

"I'm a little hungry, but breakfast sounds great right now. I'm not sure if it's safe for me to go out though," She responds,

"It's alright, I'll protect you and make sure no one will recognize us." Hearing you say these reassuring words made Trish agree.

"Okay, if you say so."

"Bruno?" Bruno snapped out of his concentration from the screen, "Yes?" He answered rather inattentively.

"Aren't you hungry? We should get something to eat so that Trish shouldn't have to skip breakfast and starve."

"You're right."

"I'll buy something to eat, I saw a restaurant nearby when we passed by." You volunteered, "Trish wants to come." Your statement made Bruno furrow his eyebrows at you, almost looking with disbelief.

"Don't worry though!" You smiled raising the bag you brought beside you, "I brought some disguise!" Everyone's eyes were now at you, curious of the contents of the bag. The car was quiet.

You sure were bored, they thought.

You gave Trish a long dark wig, she curiously inspects it. You pulled out a chest binder, a short blonde wig and contact lenses in the bag for you to use, "I'll be in disguise as well so you wouldn't be alone." You grinned at Trish. She was amused by your attitude.

You wore your chest binder making your breast appear flatter, a short blonde wig to conceal your real hair, a pair of gold contact lenses. You wore a different outfit. A white dress shirt with frills and a high-waisted trousers. Trish wore a different outfit with her wig and a spare blue contact lenses you had.

"Y-Y/n looks like a man!" Narancia yelled. Mista was shocked, almost looking panicked. Bruno's lips were slightly parted looking at your smirking face.

"A handsome one." Mista whispered when he got over panicking and now he's amused and admiring you. Your smirked widens as you scoffed at his comment.

"Mista, Mista, Mista. You're drooling." His eyes widens as he wipes his mouth feeling no drool and when he realized you were kidding you chuckled.

"Do you perhaps prefer me as a man?" You teased as you made your voice deeper than normal.

You heard Bruno clearing his throat not noticing that Mista blushed even more from your statement.

"Trish must be hungry, you should head out now and come back as soon as you can, Narancia will follow you with his Aerosmith, just in case," Bruno said, you wondered why he hasn't made a single comment about your appearance but you couldn't blame him since he wasn't looking at you, as if he was avoiding your eyes and if he does look at you he might say something and get himself embarrassed.

"Alright, before we go though." You turned to Trish, "As a disguise, when we enter the restaurant we should act like couples so that no one will try to talk to you since I'll act as your boyfriend." You smiled.

"Boyfriend?" She repeated, you hummed,

"Is something the matter?" You asked her as she avoids your gaze.

"Not really, I-i just never had one." Your mouth was shaped O and your eyebrows rose as you chuckled silently,

"That's alright, you're quite young to engage in a relationship."

"What I meant w-was..." Her voice fades as her blush fades into her cheeks.

"Hm?" you tilted your head waiting for her to finish.

"I'm quite alright if you pretended to be my girlfriend instead." She realizes what she just said as her eyes widens. Your other teammates heard it of course, they were quite stunned, Mista whistled silently but then stopped when Bucciarati butted his shoulder onto his shoulder,

Trish continues "I-I just meant you don't have to d-disguise yourself as a man!" She was embarrassed of herself for saying such things but you only chuckled at her action,

You weren't dense. You knew Trish somewhat likes or admires you and you think it's cute except when you remember she was the boss' daughter.

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