34: Tongue Twisters

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"Glad you were quick enough to ask for a pen, Giorno. Im surprised how quick you were able think of it." You said assisting Narancia to sit on the floor from laying down, Giorno already healed the hole on his throat.

You could feel everyone's judgmental gaze on your team, you didn't mind though. You were like ruffians in a fancy restaurant.

"Are you fine now Narancia?" You knelt beside Bruno checking up on Narancia who was on the ground, coughing violently.

"Y-yeah *cough* I can breathe now."

"What did you see? How did the enemy's Stand attacked you?" Bruno asked Narancia with furrowed brows.

"I-it came out if the soup." He said still struggling to speak.

"Narancia, Don't push yourself." You encouraged.

"It's okay. I can talk." He said while he obviously was still struggling.

"Oye, Narancia. What was the enemy like? Where did it escaped?" Mista asked looking down at Narancia on the ground.

"H-he's..." Narancia paused, struggling to speak. "He's like a giant boulder and he escaped through the back of the store!" Narancia said casually pointing behind Mista.

Your brows furrowed and forehead creased. "He's big as a boulder? You just said he was inside the soup." Mista argued.

"D-did I just say that?" Narancia rattled.

"What?" Mista said irritated. "Fine I'll ask again. Was the enemy about this big?" Mista measured with his pointing fingers 4-5 inches.

Narancia shook his head, "Nuh uh."

"W-wait no!" Narancia said holding his cheeks.

"Well how about this? Was the enemy this big?" Mista said once again distancing his palms to each other by two feet.

"Yeah!" Narancia said looking down as his eyes widened. Obviously something was off. He seemed like he didn't meant every word that came out of his mouth.

"Hey! At first you said he was on a plate, and now you said he ran through the store?" Mista was lost. What kind of ability was that? You stood there observing every action he made and every word that came out of his mouth with an intense stare.

"Yeah!" Narancia agreed but acted weirdly right after. Something was clearly strange about him. "W-what the! Why did I?!" Narancia yelled touching his tongue.

"I do not quite understand the picture you're trying to paint." Bucciarati spoke. "You mean they move in an extremely high speed?" Bucciarati asked.

"No! They're as slow as you can be!" Narancia responds. All of you were weirded out from Narancia's answer, it did not add up.

"Say what?" Bucciarati's brows furrowed in confusion as he made eye contact with you sending you signals for help, he was also confused but seeing that you're quiet and still analyzing the situation or the possibilities of what is happening to Narancia, he knew you didn't know what was happening.

"C'mon!" Mista was pissed at this point and ready to throw hands at Narancia. "If it was as huge and as slow as you say, then why didn't we see it?!" Mista's patience were running thin. "You sure you really saw the stand Narancia?" Mista made sure.

"Of course I did!— not see one." Your forehead creased as Narancia held both of his cheeks tightly, squishing his lips from his answers. "GAAHH!!" Narancia yelled, frustrated and confused.

"Huh?! You're starting to sound like a real wacko. Hang on.. You're not trying to hide the fact that you got beat by the enemy, are you?! Come out with it already, you didn't see a damn thing did you?!" Mista yelled grabbing Narancia's clothes.

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