35: Intentions

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"I'm not picking up on anything." Mista reports as he maintained his guard up.

"We have to figure out this bastard's identity. Moody Blues!" Abbacchio called out his stand, "Transform into whoever was just in here and start following their movements!" Abbacchio commanded.

With Narancia's left hand covering his mouth, he run to the bathroom bumping onto Abbacchio.

"Narancia!" Giorno yelled.

without his care, he jumped to the bathroom's sinks and tighten the faucets to stop the water from dripping.

"Finding the user with Moody Blues is a great plan, but you can't go after them or else you'll be dead meat. Im gonna have to bust my ass to keep you all as far as possible!" Narancia said in his mind, he moved quickly, after he tightens the faucets he pulled some paper towels to wipe the wet sink making sure that it's dry. You all were only watching from behind Narancia unable to do anything with how panicked Narancia's movements were.

Deep down you trusted Narancia with what he's doing despite him acting awfully strange. That's why you let him be.

"AAAHH!!" Narancia yelled as the water began to sprinkle around suddenly,

"Hey. This must be it." All your attention was caught by Abbacchio's statement. He was standing in front of the cubicle, peeping in the toilet, "Moody Blues is transforming into someone." You all were waiting, Moody Blues slowly transforms but Narancia ran to Abbacchio to stop him.

"You have to get away from there! Don't look in it!" With that, he shoved Abbacchio aside, his hands were on the garter of his pants as he lowered it, You heard the sound of peeing.

"Heyyyyy, look over here guys! You won't believe what's in the toilet!" Narancia said turning his head to you all while he was peeing, You're nose scrunched at his actions as you rolled your eyes.

"The hell?! You nasty little shit! Get it together will you?!" Abbacchio yelled. Everyone looked disgusted

"Get over here Abbacchio, I got a present for ya! Check the bowl for the surprise!" Narancia yelled as he points to the bowl.

"W-why you!  You've lost your mind! Is this some new kind of fetish or something?!" Abbacchio said in disgust.

"The only reason we've been searching this place is 'cause you were yappin' on about seeing the enemy! Just tell the damn truth about what you saw!" Mista complained with a look of disgust written all over his face

"That's it, I'm getting out of here. I'm going to Trish." You said sighing in annoyance as you turned your back to head out,

"Y/N Noooo! Don't go! You should definitely look over here!" Narancia invited. You're brows met in annoyance as steam came out of your nose as you sighed.

"Shut the fuck up Narancia! You freaking Pervert!" Abbacchio Yelled lightly stomping on Narancia's back

"N-no I didn't— I mean it!"

You left the restaurant's bathroom and your sight immediately caught a bottle of wine. You pulled a glass and poured yourself some.

"Y/N. I apologize for how Narancia acted back there." You heard Bruno from behind you with Abbacchio following him.

"Nah, It's alright. I don't mind."

"We don't know what's gotten into him. I swear he's not like that." Abbacchio added.

"It's fine, really. I'm going to check on Trish." Bruno acknowledge with a nod.

With a heavy sigh you entered the turtle. Immediately when you're in, you see Trish sitting on the couch with her chin on her knee. "Y-Y/N..!" She muttered, a bit startled.

"Are they doing alright out there?" She asked with concern lacing her voice.

"Nothing for you to worry about, Trish. You should get some sleep. I know you haven't slept well ever since you've been with us." You said standing in front of her while her head was looking up to you. Her gazed lowered, her eyes now on the floor.

"I've been trying to sleep b-but I'm having a hard time. I can't even close my eyes without remembering what happened earlier in the church. I know I don't seem to care for everyone but I actually worry a lot." Trish said with a quiet voice, too shy to complain.

"Would you like to talk about it?" You asked sitting on the sofa beside her.

"If you're fine with it." You nodded and looked at her, signaling her that you're listening.

"I don't know. It might sound dumb but... I honestly hoped that he'd take care of me after all we've been through to get to him. All my life, I couldn't be at peace because I never knew my father. It was like a life goal to be beside him and get to know him. I already suspected that he'd do something like this to me but I clung on to hope and wished that I would be wrong." Trish said burying her lower face to her knees even more.

"It's not dumb. It's normal for a daughter to yearn for her father's care. I'm glad you told me this, Trish."

"Thank You Y/N." Trish lifted her head, she lowered her legs and hugged you with her arms wrapped around your neck and her face on your shoulder. "It's alright though. You can kill him if you want. I don't want anything to do with him anymore." She said, still hugging you. You just hummed and caressed her soft bubble gum hair that smelled like pink roses.

"Why do you want to kill him, Y/N?" Trish asks with no intentions other than curiosity. You both are now sitting beside each other, shoulders touching while both of you were looking at the glass ceiling, watching Mista join Abbacchio and Bruno in your table.

"Because he sells drugs to children. I was almost one of his victims if I didn't know any better." You said plainly.

"C'mon Y/N. Really? I can see right through you." Her head that was resting on the couch turned to you with a suspicious grin on her face.

"Wow you caught me."

"I have ears. The way you said it was a giveaway." Trish chuckled with a soft smile on her lips. "So? What's your reason?"

"I want to take over Passioné."

~~~ ~~~

now pls forgive me for not updating for almost a year

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