27: Back Stories

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     "Only Giorno and Mista will come get the Disk? I can assist them you know." You still insisted to come despite agreeing to what Abbacchio said. Giorno and Mista were about to exit the turtle.

"It's better this way, you said it yourself. I think we can all agree that you've been overworking yourself." Everyone nodded. Giorno turns to you and looks you in the eyes "You're clearly not all healed up yet, rest up Capo C/n." You finally let out a defeated sigh. Something in you flutters because of how Giorno addressed you.

"I can't believe you're as hard headed as that brat." Abbacchio spoke behind you glaring at Giorno.

"Fine." You sat back down once again as you watched Mista and Giorno exit the room from the ceiling.

"Hey Y/n, tell me more about how you met Bucciarati." Fugo turns to you clearly bored since Narancia just went out to guard the turtle, you all were on a boat attempting to enter Venezia by the canal, you were still undetected.

Fugo caught Bucciarati and Abbacchio's attention, averting their eyes to your sitting figure, Abbacchio wears his headphones, he looked uninterested, but little did you know he was still listening.

"Well." You paused, playing along to get out of boredom. You daren't sleep in case there will be an emergency. "Remember when I told you I ran away and got on a fishing boat?" Fugo rests his chin on his palm turning all his attention to you. "I ended up in the suburbs of Italy, I managed to exit the boat without being seen. I realized I was screwed when I knew I was in Naples since gangs that time were really common." You noticed Bucciarati nodded, he agrees.

"I joined the Familia because I heard about how much money you make as a Mafioso. I swore loyalty to Passione. Half a month of being a gangster I was assigned in a dangerous mission when they knew what I was capable of, I almost died but I managed to complete the task. I was in the brink of death but someone nursed me, I discovered he was a capo. I got noticed by one of the first capo and he even helped me when I almost died, he was young but still older than me, he claimed he was to deliver a message to me sent by the boss. I was promoted as a capo. I was the youngest, I was barely a teenager when I got promoted."

"The capo asked me if I had any wishes, I told him I wanted my identity to be hidden since I admired how the Boss hid his. the day after that I heard a news that someone from the famillia died from a mission, I soon discovered it was me." You chuckled to yourself remembering how confused you were.

"So The Boss released a news that you died from a mission?" You nodded to Fugo, "Yup."

"But you actually became a capo?" You nodded. You saw Fugo's lips curve into a smile, he laughs quietly keeping in mind that Trish was asleep. "That's something, tell me more." Fugo said with a chuckle, clearly amused and interested at your story.

"When I exited the hospital," You looked over at Bruno he returns the stare to you. "I met Bucciarati, he had the same haircut but he was shorter than me then, I find him cool because I heard he stabbed two grown men defending someone." You heard Bucciarati chuckled.

"What the hell." Fugo commented turning to Bruno for his confirmation if it was really true, the capo only averted his eyes anywhere but Fugo's. Avoiding questions.

"I asked him to join the Familia but he declined he seemed to not be interested. I was disappointed so I asked him again. I didn't know why I kept bugging him, I was insistent but he still refused." Bruno chuckles at the memory.

"She was quite insistent, to the point when I see Y/n in the streets I avoid being seen by her." Bruno comments,

"Hey! I did not know that until now. I can't imagine Bucciarati avoiding me." You, Fugo and Bruno laughed wholeheartedly.

"When I got promoted I heard my parents were searching for me, they heard I joined a gang and I died from a mission. That's why I left Italy and moved to France. Before I left though, I asked Bucciarati to join again, he still refused so I told him to at least give me his name. I lived in Paris my whole life and managed to get people there to join the familia. When I was looking up lists of members names I saw Bucciarati's, he ended up joining, and now here we are, both capos after 5 years of not meeting."

Y/n L/n, she was a prodigy. Everyone agrees she's a daughter every parents could ask for. She obtained a medical license at the age of  9. Her childhood was all about being the best.

Her stand, Careless Whisper has been with her from the day she was born. She knew she wasn't close to normal, No normal kid has finished school and obtained a medical license at 10.

She met Dr. Kujo, a marine biologist, when her father introduced her as the man's Doctor, Y/n found the man quite interesting and Doctor Kujo thought the same.

She knew about the stand arrow and that the reason why Doctor Kujo needs someone to nurse him is because finding and obtaining the arrow is a job a few people can do, some would lose their life. Y/n believed she was one of them so she asked the man to let her help because she would rather chase something she was interested in rather than pleasing people who forced her to be what she is right now.

The day came and she ran away from her life. She ended up in Italy, she stole to live and eventually joined the Mafia. She was noticed by a high ranked member who was a capo, and eventually became one herself because of her strength and power.

She left Italy when she discovered her parents were searching for her, she hid her identity and became Capo C/n that everyone knew. She lived in France receiving orders directly from the boss and never failed to complete a task.

She heard a rumor about a stand arrow in France, she met someone who was also after it. He was a good friend of  someone Y/n knew in the life she left behind in America.

Jean Pierre Polnareff was the man's name, they were close acquaintances until she decided to go back to America.

Y/n came back to The Speedwagon Foundation without the knowledge of anyone except the man she was assigned to Nurse back then.

Dr. Kujo. He welcomed Y/n back to the foundation despite hearing she had died when she ran away.

She holds a mighty position in the most powerful Mafia in Italy while being a part of the Speedwagon Foundation stand arrow search.

Y/n was the reason why selling drugs in Italia rose up to 30%. Because of this she became wealthier. But behind all her doings, in the back of her head was something no one thought of.

She was determined to get the boss to trust her so she could eliminate him.

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A/n: AAAAH YES I love Polnareff and the crusaders xoxoxo

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