28: The Shine Before The Demise

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"Is something wrong Narancia? did you find them yet?" You asked looking up the ceiling, Narancia was outside wearing a cloak to conceal his identity but in your opinion it just made it more suspicious.

"They're definitely alive, I can already track them with Aerosmith." He replies with a hushed tone looking back at you.

"That's good to hear, hopefully Y/n won't have to kiss anyone this time." Bucciarati joked, you quietly giggled. You really don't mind healing them, you even find it entertaining. The way they get in to a blushing and flustered mess after you heal them.

Moments later you all heard Narancia gasp in disbelief and embarrassment, everyone was alarmed by this, the entire team asked what happened.

"What is it? Is something wrong Narancia? have you seen them?"

"N-Nope! I-I don't see them! I-I'll continue to search h-hehe." Narancia sounded like he saw something embarrassing, "D-don't worry though! Nothing to be alarmed of." He once again let out a nervous chuckle.

"Damn, you're pretty beat up. Why did you stop Giorno from healing you again?" Mista was bloody, he finally regained his consciousness and was clearly struggling to stay awake.

"It hurts when he does it, so p-please, kiss me before I die from blood loss." His voice was coarse, eyes barely open. You couldn't help but scold yourself from finding his voice almost arousing. Damn Guido Mista is hot. Specially when he's begging.

You heard a bunch of Tch and scoffs behind you from what Mista said. You wanted to chuckle but you ignored it and got close to Mista's lips, he licks it and that made you halt, "Really? It's wet from your saliva now." You said trying to sound annoyed but connected your lips to his anyway.

You swore he lost enough blood already but it didn't stop him from having a visible blush on his cheeks.

You were about to detach your lips from kissing but you stopped when you felt his lips move. The realization that you paused made you pull away immediately. "Woah, watch it Guido Mista." You said chuckling while giving him an intimidating glare as you casually wipe your lips using you thumb.

"How long is the destination?" You asked looking up the ceiling. It was now early in the morning, if you hadn't lost your phone it would display 5:47 am on the screen.

"We've almost reached Rialto Bridge, about 5 more minutes." Fugo answers as he accompanies Giorno outside the turtle. You were still currently on the water of Venezia.

Everyone exited the turtle leaving You and Bucciarati alone with Trish.

"What does the disk contain, Bucciarati?" Giorno asks as Bucciarati spins the disk on the table and inserted it inside the laptop. "I'm checking the instructions from the Boss again. I'll read it to you." Bucciarati says as he place the laptop on his lap.

"The information on this disk was inputted when you boarded the train at Naples, therefore I have no way of knowing how many and which pursuers are left nor how many team members you have lost." He pauses, you smile to the message. You were glad no one died, you let out a sigh of relief, the mission is almost over.

"The information on this disk describes the safest way for me to meet my daughter. It is the final mission. The orders I will give now must be followed and failure to do so will be unforgivable. If someone acts outside of these orders even if it's accidental, I will consider it as a threat with malicious intent." You notice how careful the boss is as always, you continued to listen to what Bucciarati's is saying.

"Now I will explain the mission. You will now head to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Bring my daughter to the top of the bell tower. Once you bring her there, your mission will be over." You turn to Trish as you noticed she was hugging her legs whilst sitting on the sofa.

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