14: Y/n's Mission

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You heard a familiar notification as you tried to stop Fugo from hitting Narancia. You were in a farm but no one was aware of your presence, not even the owner, nor a single soul. Fugo parked the limousine in front of the house and you told Giorno to turn the limousine into a bush in case someone sees it.

Bruno heard it too, the notification. You let out your laptop seeing a message from the boss.

That's right. The boss doesn't know I'm with Bucciarati's team. You thought.

Capo C/n,

I have read your message informing me that you have eliminated one of the traitor, his name was Pierro Domenico, working under Polpo. It's strange that I am not aware of his doings, I couldn't find a trace of evidence of him being a traitor.

You let out an uncomfortable laugh. Calmed yourself before typing. He was clearly asking for evidence of your victim being a traitor. You were nervous but it was alright. He wasn't skeptic of you yet.


I have discovered a group of assassins under the command of Risotto Nero. I was checking in on how the drug selling here in Italia was doing. The gold pin pinned on his shirt made me follow him, knowing that he is one of us. Pierro Domenico wasn't a stand user, when he had a phone call I used my stand to sneak up to him. I was glad I did that, because I heard his conversation with one of Risotto Nero's teammates. The person on the phone asked if there was anything he has gathered that would help them with their plan on discovering your identity. Pierro Domenico said he hasn't yet and the person on the end of the line raged and ended the call.

I now have a lead regarding Risotto Nero's team or La squadra Esecuzioni. That's all Boss.

You sighed after you proofread your response. Pierro Domenico doesn't have a contact on La squadra. He was just a normal gang member who sells drugs. The person was already dead, they can't milk information out of his mouth anymore so you decided it was safe to make up a story.


I landed in Naples a day ago, and I just found out that Capo Polpo shot himself. I am currently with Capo Bruno Bucciarati because there was a rumor of a certain family member of yours that they are protecting. I wanted to see it for myself and so I tracked Capo Bucciarati's team down. There was indeed, a girl with them.

You sent your message, you weren't really used to responding back to the boss. It was the first time he wanted your response regarding of a mission. You keep fidgeting unconsciously with you laptop, waiting for his response.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Bucciarati asked making you jump a little.

"Nothing's wrong. The boss just asked me about the mission he gave me." A notification from your laptop once again notified the both of you, making look at the device and then back to you again.

"He responded." You unconsciously whispered making Bucciarati furrow his brows, You didn't even notice Narancia has left due to intense concentration.

Capo Y/n,

Rumors, again. The girl you are referring to is my own flesh and blood. She is my daughter.

You gulped, he really said it. It was unusual of him to say it since he was known to have no living family members anymore.

Since Polpo is no longer the Capo it is now in Bucciarati's line of responsibility to take her to me. I asked you to take down all the traitors in order for my daughter to be safe. Don't forget about your mission. That's all.

The response was short and clear as usual. You didn't really expected that he'd respond immediately but you guessed it was because his daughter was involved.

There was no need of you responding back. He clearly doesn't want your response anymore so you just left it.

"Bruno, we're staying here for the night, yes?" You turned to Bucciarati who was amused by your calm demeanor after how your face looked from concentrating.

"We are. Narancia is out now getting groceries and things Trish needs." He crossed his arms leaning against the wall.

"He's out already? I wanted to go with him in case someone will be after him." You slightly pouted. "By the way, Bruno." His attention was yours, his deep blue eyes stared against you, his dark brows almost invisible with his bangs covering it rose, making this cute expression of waiting for you to continue.

"I have a mission from the Boss, and it's not over yet. I found another group in the familia that is after his identity, I must execute them and report to the boss. I should get going So I could return before Narancia does." You informed Bucciarati. "I might take long since these gangsters are not just ordinary ones, they are assassins."

"Of course, Y/n. Be safe." He smiled with a subtle worried look on his face. You stood close to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. "I will, I'll make sure to return. I'll tell Trish I won't be here for a moment." Bruno showed you were Trish is currently resting. She was staring outside the window, you cleared your throat to make her aware of your presence.

She gave you a look of surprise, asking why you're here. "Trish. I hope you're comfortable here."

"It's alright." She sat down on her bed.

"The Boss sent me out for a mission. I'll be quick and I'll try to return as soon as possible." You let her know, expecting she'd just shrug it off,

"Are your missions this dangerous?"


"I was just wondering how dangerous your work is." Her voice was smooth and quiet. It was feminine and quite meek.

"Oh. If I'd rate our current mission, which is to deliver you to your father from 1 out of 10." You paused, "It would be 100." You chuckled you find the fact humorous for some reason.

"A hundred?" Trish asked, clearly needs some elaboration.

"There are a lot of people who wants to take down your father, The Boss. They are after his power and identity and to take over Passioné they first need to exterminate the boss, but in order to do that, they need to find a weakness. Which is you." Trish sighed sharply, refusing to believe she is her father's weakness.

"And yes, it's a hundred since we are asked to protect you with our lives because if we fail to do so, we'll still die either way." You noticed she didn't respond anymore, you looked at her and she was staring on the floor you were standing.

Guilt wash over her entire face, from the realization of what you just said. Your mouth hanged opened, she probably felt terrible from what you just said. You mentally scold yourself for unintentionally making her feel guilty.

"You don't have to worry about us, though. We know what we signed up for, we're aware of the risks. Please only worry about yourself, Trish. We'll be fine. I promise." She looked up to you, her eyes glistening, her lips slightly apart, and her hands were intertwined with eachother,

She just promised to herself that she wouldn't make your job harder than it already is.

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