2. Sleepy meow

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Sitting on the bed I was knitting a sweater for Jungkook. It was the best place to do my hobbies because he never came in my room, so it would definitely be a surprise for him when I would gift it on our first wedding anniversary. He would get surprised.

I didn't wanted to impress him but a token of care was what I wanted to gift him. A memory that would remind him of my diminished existence in his long lifespan. I knew I didn't mattered to him, in fact he hated me but I adored him.

Hence, forgetting all regrets and queries I continued weaving fir him until my phone rang. Someone was calling me which was a surprise before it happened seldom. I had few friend and they were too busy in their office works to spare me some time at this hour, around their work time. Dropping the wool I picked up my phone and saw my brother calling me. A smile crept on my lips as I saw the name, Sleepy meow.

I swiped the green button and pressed the phone against my ear.

"Yaah! How much time you take to pick my call?"

"Aish! It was just a minute late and you started getting grumpy. Can't you calm down for a bit?"

He sighed and said," Fine.. And I called you because my birthday is next week so I want you both to come at my party."

My smile dropped and I involuntarily shuttered," B-Both? Who?"

"You and your ghost!! Stupid sis, I am talking about you and Jungkook. Bring him here, others are also coming and that Taehyung is coming too."

Yoongi knew Taehyung was closest to me after him. He also knew how I shared a distinct bond with Taehyung irrespective of our less interactions. I was really happy to know that he was coming.

He had always been my savior from problems, boredom and painful accidents because somewhere he was guilty for ruining my dreams.

"Are you there? Are you coming or not?" I came out of my thoughts and answered back. "Yeah, I'll be coming."

"I hope you do or I'll post your drooling picture and make it viral as a meme." He giggled and I threatened him. "Dare you do that Mr. Min and I will cut off each string of your guitar."

He chuckled. "Try me, bubble. Okay, bye. I need to inform others too."

"See you soon." I cut the call and chuckled how he was able to make me laugh with his strange behavior. Now, all that was left was to convince Jungkook o accompany me.

The door bell rang and I looked at the wall clock. It wasn't the time for Jungkook's arrival then who was it at this hour. Getting up from the bed I marched out of the room and closed the door behind. I was curious and took baby steps down the stairs. I switched on the lights of the hall and decided to go further close to the entrance.

Once I reached the door I looked glanced through the peep hole and saw Jungkook standing with Yubin. A sigh escaped my lips as I saw it was no other than them. For a second it crossed my mind to let them stand outside because I was really not pleased to see that girl clinging onto my husband like a lizard but I was at fault for choosing this life.

On the other Jungkook never knew I had already shared a phase of my life with her. I never knew why she did this to me not why was still interfering in my life but for sure he was an incurable headache.

Twisting the knob of the door I pushed it and made way for them to come in. They ignored my presence and walked in hand in hand before plopped on they couch.

"Bring me water."

I hurriedly poured water in a glass and gave it to Jungkook who was removing his tie. I extended my hand to him and he took the glass, gulping the water to erase his thrist.

Straddling towards the door I closed it then thought of telling him about the party. I fiddled with my fingers and turned around before walking towards him who was wrapping his arms around Yubin, close to his chest while she rested her head on him.

I slowly went and stood beside the couch while they looked at me. "Why are you still here?" Jungkook asked with an annoyed expression while Yubin frowned watching me standing in front of them.

"You came early... Did anything happen toady?"

He got frustrated and yelled at me. " Oh god Y/N, stop behaving like an idiot. It's my house and do I need to ask for your permission to come here? If you don't like watching us together then say it clearly, I won't come here from tomorrow."

My eyes slightly welled up with tears but I forced them to not fall. "I-I didn't meant that... I just wanted to tell you that my brother called."

He furrowed his eyes and stared at me. Unwrapping his arm from her he sat straight and said," What did he said?"

"He is throwing a birthday party and has invi-"

"I am not going anywhere with you. Yubin has a photoshoot on that day and we are going to Hawaii after that, so cope up with it like you always do." He waved his hand and signalled me to disperse.

He said, " Tell him that iconic excuse of my busy schedule." He held her close and snuggled her in his embrace whiel I stood there hearing his command.

I wasn't able to see them anymore so turned around while a lone tear dropped down from my eyes. I wiped it and reluctantly agreed. I gulped the sorrow and stepped away towards the stair until I heard his abrupt voice.

"Wait!" I turned back and saw him staring at me with a poker face. " Is that Kim coming in the party?"

"Which one?" I exclaimed.

"One with that boxy grin, who annoys the heck out of me." After interpretation I realized he was talking about Taehyung so I nodded. " Yeah, he is coming too."

He clenched his jaw before turning his back on me and grumpily said," Then I am coming with you."

Yubin stared at him and held his arm. " But baby, what about our private trip?" He gently removed her hands and said," Let's postponed that because I can't afford a bitch with surname Jeon roaming in a party filled with jerks."

He stood up and walked towards me. He passed me a glance then walked past me to climb up to his bedroom. Yubin growled," You'll pay for ruining my plans."

Then she took her purse and went up in his room and closed the room with a bang. I flinched but shrugged that crack head's behavior.

Well, on the contrary, I was finally smiling. Even if it would be a few hours interval but I would live my life in it. Jungkook, standing next to me would ne called my husband and I would be his wife.

Though the world would be glad to deny our pair but that mere happiness would be enough to bloom me from the gloom of everyday, watching him laying next to Yubin.

If only I had guts to throw her out of the house then this hurdle was already out of my married life. Bu who was I kidding? Whenever I stood in front of the mirror, it always shown me the reflection, full of flaws and vulnerability. A burning painful sensation always flared my body after tracing that deep cut on my face.

Though she was an ugly from heart but the ugliness dripped from my face. Devils never pay but angels are obliged to get suck in the cycle of payment. An incident in childhood paved my future and decided my sufferings.

After taking a sharp breath I marched towards m room and again locked myself behind the closed doors, isolating me from the external actions.

Coming inside I went into the bathroom and splashed water over my face and wiped my face. As clear as it was some scars never leave but stay till eternity.

A past I had shared with Yubin and Taehyung. A past where I was just like any other girl playing with the sand taht day until the call of misery reached my ear.

I walked back in the room and stood in front of the full length mirror where I saw myself, my five year old reflection, piercing to me, asking why I believed everyone too easily? Why I had to follow Yubin while she dragged me towards that iron factory.

A place where heat and metals were quite common thing but not for kids of our age. A factory which was now closed had destroyed my everything through a single mistake and that was for falling in love with Jungkook.

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