33. Web trap

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It's been a week. No friends, no family. Nope, nothing. My phone was seized and Taehyung didn't allowed to ever step out of the house. I wondered if anyone noticed me staying here.

I wore a cardigan before coming downstairs since the weather was a bit chilly due to the clouds covering the sky, giving it a gray touch up. Entering the kitchen I thought to cook myself some food as no one was home.

Taehyung went to his company and the mansion was highly guarded with guards at the gate. I was cooking when Maria, the old maid, who was incharge of taking care of my wants came and tried to appeal that it wasn't my work. I denied and asked her to relax as I was capable to handle it.

After eating the door I washed it when the door creased. I whirled around and saw Taehyung coming back. It was unexpected at work hours but he did seemed furious and worried? I stepped towards him but stopped when he raised his hand.

"Go to your room." I ignored and decided to ask his worry but he turned to me with his darkened eyes." I said go to your fckking room. Right now."

He gave me a little push that got me bewildered. I did what he asked me although I was hella worried for his state too. Before climbing the stairs I saw him walking across the hall in an impatient way. He was biting his nail, anxiously. One glance at me and I shut the door.

My heart was thumping against my chest. I had never seen him this mad, not even when he found about the affair. He looked mad. I paced around the room, sometimes sticking my ear to door in case his voice would reach out but no, nothing was heard.

Except a call.

It was the landline which he received. Perhaps he forgot that I had a landline in this room too. I ran to bed and sat at the edge before picking up the receiver. My hands trembled and lips dried, concentration only on the caller's voice.

"I know you are mad for involving Yubin but she wants rid of him just like us. You know it was so hard to stop him reaching Y/N and it would probably get worse if not scare him. She had agreed to not harm Y/N but I can't say about Jungkook."

I covered my mouth before I could gasp. This person knew us thoroughly. Who was he that mended with my sworn enemy to harm Jungkook? My heart was accelerated with each passing second.

"She clearly spoke about killing him. Didn't you saw that fire, that psychopathic expression she had? She commanded her men to murder him in exchange of that slap. She is trapping us. What if she turns back and blames us for his death? How could you even believe she won't come back on Y/N? She is a serpent in female form!"

"We don't have a choice. For now, lock Y/N in the room, make sure she won't escape out. I can't risk my bubble to get involved in it."

My eye protruded with bewilderment when I found out it was Yoongi on other side.

What the heck was that!

For a moment the receiver almost slipped out of balance from my hand but I gripped it more tight with the remaining strength. After gulping the lump of saliva I pressed it sternly on my ear to hear further.

"I won't lock her. She would get suspicious and eventually get it. I think strong dose of sleeping pills would work. Just enough to cut her time." Taehyung suggested this wacky idea that totally blown me off. My best friend was planning to knock me out after consulting my sibling.

World's a web trap thrown by own people.

"Okay. Don't make it odd or I'll have to call off the act. I'll keep you updated. Bye"
Taehyung hummed before cutting the call and there the ground beneath my feet got swiped away. With wobbly legs I stood up, putting the receiver back to its place then groaned grabbing my temple.

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