13. Behind the scenes

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I stared into his dilated pupils. Did he really didn't knew about her real personality? Well, she really hid her true self quite hideously.

A tear rolled down my eyes as I remembered that horrible betrayal she gave me. She was after my life only because of Taehyung. What was my fault that she operated that cruel act on me?

I inhaled a sharp breath and said," She was the one who locked me in that factory." He gasped and held my hands." Tell me you're kidding, tell me it's just a joke."

He didn't wanted to to believe it. I let out a sigh and looked into his eyes. "It's true Tae... I lied to everyone about forgetting everything but I remember every single detail of that day. How I could I forget the worst day of my life where she wanted me dead."

" But would she do that? She is just an eight year old girl who i-"

"Who is in love with you." He froze. Cat caught his tongue as he stumbled back. I let out a scoff whereas I broke into tears. "She told me she hated how you cared for me. She hated how you put me before her. She thought you had feelings for me though I declared that we had nothing going on and never will because for me you'll always be my brother."

A tear slipped from the corner of his eyes  like he had multiple things going in his mind at once. He grabbed his temple and crouched on the floor. He groaned while mumbling something under his breath while I was worried for him.

He wiped his eyes and made a sniff from his running nose. He stared at me with his swollen eyes. "It's my fault. I should've been careful to not make it obvious."

Obvious about what? Did he really had a crush on me? My lips parted in bewilderment and he noticed the changes.

"I-I mean I was being obvious about caring for you more than her, even more than me. You are going through this because of me. I can't believe she was that bad. "

I caressed his back. "It's okay. Not always we could predict how things would turn out for us in future." He shook his head and denied my statement. "No, it was my fault to ever let you alone. I should've never let her raise her hope. I should've cut down all her imagination right when we met her for the first time. You are more important to me then anything in this whole world. You are my favorite girl, Y/N."

I wanted to squeal in happiness when I thought he called me his favorite girl like a sister but as it a sibling love or something else? I didn't cared as long as he knew the truth because the indirectly he was a part of my misery. He had the right to know about it because it also involved him.

" She is not our friend anymore. Let's go. We need to tell everyone how evil she is. We can't let her be free."

"But what we could do? We are kids and have a long life ahead of us. Law doesn't punish childs that strictly, it will only ruin her life."

Taehyung cupped my face and looked at me with his doe eyes. "But about your life?"

I let out a sad chuckle. "It's already ruined. Noone can stop its destiny, and I accept the way it is. If we stop talking to her then that in itself would be a great punishment for her."

He despised me for being such an emotional girl but just because someone ruined my life didn't meant that I had to ruin hers too. She also had parents like me, at least for her loved ones I didn't wanted to reveal that.

The doors got slammed open and I saw Yoongi coming in with someone behind him. "You're friend came to pay a visit." He shifted aside and I saw the devil standing at the doorstep.

She waved at me." Hi, Y/N. I never thought you would wake up but looks like you had something else written in your life."

Narrowing my eyes I said," What in the world are you doing here?" Yoongi cleared his throat nad said," Manners Y/N."

I rolled my eyes and said," I won't show any manners for her. She tried to ki- forget it, oppa. She is just here to laugh at me. Ask her to go out. I don't want to see her."

She stepped ahead of Yoongi and devilishly smirked. "What are you saying Y/N? I am paying a friendly visit to you. How could I laught at you at this unpleasant misery. I re-"

Taehyung pushed her with a strong force. She landed on the floor, quite stunned how Taehyung was the one who pushed her off. "One more lie and I'll pull out your black tongue. I never expected this from you."

Yoongi rushed to help her up. "Taehyung, what are you doing with her she is a girl."

"And you're sister is a girl too! I, Kim Taehyung, would always care for only one girl and it is Y/N. I regret making friends with you. Never show your face again. You deserves no ones friendship or mercy. You are so dirty that no one would even spit on you. No one wants you!! "

Yubin shivered with the hate that Taehyung poured on her. He made it clear that he really hated her actions. broke into tears and ran out of the room. She took his words deep down her heart

'What is wrong with you both? Are you two out of your mind? I thought she was your friend but you both treated her like a stain," said Yoongi before stepping closer to Taehyung.

Taehyung turned around and walked back to me. "You don't need to know Yoongi but trust me she deserves more than that and I swear if you knew what I knew, you would have done much more than me."

Yoongi shrugged his hands in air and left quite angrily. I glanced at the winter bear and mumbled. " You didn't had to go that harsh on her."

"For God sake, Y/N, she tried to kill you. It wasn't a game but real life. And what I told her was bitter truth."

He hugged me and caressed my head." I would never back off if it would come to you. You are my favorite and taht in itself proves that I will do anything to protect you. Either words or actions I won't let anyone do anything to you." I chuckled."How am I that desirable?" 

He said," Everyone wants you but no one wants her."


I stared at her after getting a flashback of my horrible past. I knew the day she showed up that it wasn't a mere coincidence that she dated Jungkook out of all the people. With each passing day she wanted to take revenge on me.

She wanted to snatch everything from me because she was left with nothing. Taehyung took my side. He stayed with me while she was greeted by his hate.

Maybe that's the reason she chose Jungkook. She didn't dated him because of love but out of vengeance on me. She knew that my father's company was struggling and the most easiest way to stablise it was to marry me off to Mr. Jeon's son, Jeon Jungkook.

She wanted a revenge and most easiest way to play safe was to date Jungkook and lowkey torture me to death. No wonder she bullied me to extreme until Jungkook stopped her. She had gotten all way in when it came to make me suffer. She wanted me to break down in front of her. She wanted me to feel miserable under her.

That's why she made it obvious when kissing Jungkook in front of me. She wanted to denote how my everything was her, how I was left with nothing to support or love me... I always tolerated and denied to go weak against that because I wasn't that pitiful to accept failure and surrender under bad.

I hate her and everyone knows it though they don't know the reason behind it except Taehyung. Most of the parties organised in my family were deprived of her because none of my loved ones wanted to make me gloomy just from her presence. My feelings mattered more to them than anything else. That's why Yoongi didn't invited her in his birthday party.

Coming on the topic of love, Yes, I yearned for Jungkook's love but I never revealed it openly. I don't want him to know about the secret which was buried deep down in my heart.

The fire which was between me and her was still alive but only the smoke of it was sensed by the other people.

The only fault I had was to nourish a wise heart within me and the most worst thing a wise heart does was to think of others befor itself, destroying its own heartbeat for someone else.

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