21. Bracelet

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Since the last three weeks I was being treated in the surveillance of professional but yesterday I applied for home care. Though I didn't had anyone at home but I somehow managed to stay home with one useful hand.

A sigh escaped my lips while sitting on the couch in the darkness. Something seemed missing even though everything was there. I was home alone with the doctor on his way to cut the plaster off.

After dialling several calls to Y/N I regret even trying anymore. It was either out of reach or the receiver was not picking up. I was fed up but didn't wanted to sign those documents. So, I had to keep them in my closet.

I was still under watch so the doctor strictly prohibited me to wander, not to mention I was having a painful time dealing with the fractured bones which made me to compel on crutches. Hence, no way I had any other way but to stay at home and heal. Hopefully today he would give his new report regarding my health.

To skip the boredom I switched on the television and the first thing flashed on the channel erupted my rage.

This weekend the Min Industry was throwing a grand party at Jimin's residence because they had occupied the first position in market without any help while my company dropped down at bottom but the thing which stung my eyes was the presence of six boys together without me. None of them neither came of visit me once after that day. All of them were avoiding me like I never existed in their life. Deprived of any conversation, parties or anything, I wasn't invited at all. On the other hand, my company was losing its reputation day by day without me. I felt like a cripple, unwanted and unable to do anything.

"How do you feel?" said the reporter extending microphone to Yoongi. He grinned on the national television and said," Quite satisfied to let someone taste the dirt which he deserved. You know everyone should know there actual place." He gave a cocky look and that was enough to understand tha he was referring to me.

I threw the remote right on the wall, cracking it to break. What the hell was going on in my life? I slinked on the couch resting my head on the backrest but a growl was heard from the stomach that yearned for homemade food instead of those cup noddles I was having from days.

The door bell rang. I walked upto the door with crutches, limping and stumbling to welcome thta person. Opening the door the doctor with a nurse came in on time and settled on the couch to begin the process as soon as possible.

He said," I think you need few more days to fully recover but since you want to get rid of it now I recommend you to not anything heavy with that certain hand." I nodded then he started the procedure.

After five minutes I was out of the muscle restriction, feeling quite movable and free. I paid his fees and thanked for all the help he did. He left the house before I climbed up the stairs using support but before I could enter my room my eyes landed on that specific door which was closed since ever, that only was noone was inside.

She didn't came back to collect her belonging neither sent anyone so as expected her indirect presence still lingered in a part of my house. Subconsciously my feets dragged me towards that frame.

Twisting the knob I entered in the darkness. When I switched on the lights, for the first time I got glimpse of how room actually looked like. As simple as she was everything was arranged at its right place with a flowery fragrance in he air, maybe because the bedsheets were still unchanged. I walked to the window and opened it to fill some fresh air in the room.

I never realised but though this room wasn't as big as mine but I felt more merrier in here. My eyes landed on the photo frames hung on the wall. A baby picture, a teenage picture and a current picture of our wedding. I leaned closer and saw how my gaze was elsewhere while she ws hooking her hand for teh satisfaction of the photographer. Why was she trying so hard back then if we were obliged to be apart after one year?

Bringing my fingers up I tugged that frame out of nail and held it. Caressing the dust off of the glass I got a better view. I really wanted to meet her because somehow my mind was speaking logics to depart but my heart was beating like crazy as if it wanted to say something, warn me before things went more down the hill.

I sighed before putting it back but accidentally fell on my butt. I groaned but under the bed I saw a wooden box with a lock. Curiosity took the best of me so I searched for a bobby pin and opened the chase.

My hands were shivering once I saw my bracelet that I had lost in my childhood. It was given by my mother but I never found it after saving a girl from a factory but what was it doing in her room? Was she the one I saved?


"I am not scared of anything. Ghosts are just illusions..." I said with outmost bravery. The boys of my age snickered. "We want proof. Go in there and bring us that white rose from there then only we will believe you."

I raised my eyebrow in ego. "Fine, wait right here while I go bring it out guys." I exclaimed before entering the factory from the backdoor. My eyes roamed around the green mosses with everything smelling sickening. It was nauseous but I ignored that, continuing to walk on the pathway.

"Help!!! Please, save me. Someone, anyone, please save me!!!" Suddenly I was startled when a faint scream echoed in the air. I followed that voice leading me towards a closed door. Climbing on the metal bucket I stood up to see through the glass.

A girl, younger than me was shivering against the wall while crying for help. I couldn't see but get traumatized with the scene. Quickly stepping down I opened the door and ran to the switchboard. Plugging off the machine with a lot of force I turned around to look at her but she already fainted with blood dripping down. Her face was colored in red that barely aw her face. I shook her shoulder and even  tried to wake her up but she didn't moved an inch. I took her palms and rubbed them but still she didn't reacted until I felt her tugging into my bracelet.

I was already panicking and didn't knew what to do so with all my might I ran out of factory to get help as soon as possible. I was unable to help her out because I would have collapsed right here if I tried to pick her up like what adults do. I was a only a ten years old kid so it was better if I got help from older people.

Running out I saw a police man standing at the intersection. I tugged his hands and pulled his hands. He was confused but then I shuttered," A girl.. Unconscious.. Factory... Blood. Please help." He freaked out and ran with me back into the room where she was breathing heavily. He carried her and took us to the nearest hospital.

Once she was in the operation theatre the police man praised me for the courageous act. He called my parents who became overwhelmed with the kindness I had shown over a stranger.

I was extremely happy today but the same time I felt sorry for her. She lot her face while I was being praised. It was like two sides of a single action. Someone was struggling while someone was enjoying the perks.

The police man again thanked me before I went to settle in the car. Eomma ruffled my hair and gave me a side hug. "Aigoo! Our boy has grown up. I am so impressed with everything you did kookie." I blushed in shyness and rubbed my nape but that's when eomma held my wrist and asked," Where's your bracelet?"

"Huh?" I looked at my empty wrist with quite a bewilderment. That bracelet was a lucky charm to me but now I didn't had it.

My eyes became glossy as the truth crash landed on me. It was her from the very beginning but how the hell was I so blind to not notice it before? I grabbed my hair as a stream of tear fell from my eyes. "What have I done? I really need to find her. Apology would not work but I would go to any limit to get her forgiveness even though I don't deserve it. How did she managed to tolerate me when she, herself, was wrecked?"

I again put on the bracelet and came out of the room while the only thing that disturbed my thinking was her true identity.

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Stay tuned.

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