7. Abruptly

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I woke up quite early, maybe my restless mind was elsewhere. Something in me wanted to yell the hear out, wanted someone o listen my painful scream but unfortunately I was alone.

I sat on the bed and stepped up on the floor. Taking heavy steps I walked into the bathroom and got freshen up like usual.

Standing under the shower I rinsed my hair and skin. Letting the water erase the dried tear stains. An unexpected sigh escaped from me as I remembered the incidents happened yesterday.

I wanted to forget everything tha happened yesterday but miserably failed since those venomous memories were hollowing me. I wanted to question as well as wanted answers.

But his ultimate reason was irrational. Does not loving someone could be the reason why you bully them? No, never! Today I decided to come clean on the terms and conditions he applied on us. Whether he would ike or not I wanted to clear my heart.

After wearing a robe I came out and digging through the cupboard to find anything comfortable to wear. Once I found a hoodie and trousers I discarded the towel from my hair and wore those black pair of clothes. I dried my hair and like usual applied the therapeutic ointment on my scar. Gently pressing my index finger over the strike I trialed it down from the eyebrow to the eye lashes then upto the upper cheekbones.

I came out of the room and stepped down the stairs into the kitchen. I startes cooking, waiting for him to come down so that we could calmly talk. Without bad temper or arguments, just understanding what were our motives.

When I turned off the stove I saw silhouette appear on the wall. I glanced back and found Jungkook coming out of his room. He was dressed in his office suit, ready to leave. He closed the door and turned in my direction. His eyes fell on mine as I stared at him for a second then averted my gaze down at the dishes.

His shoes clicked against the steps as he climbed down but he didn't stopped, he was walking towards the door.

"Won't you have breakfast?"

I abruptly asked him and he stopped in his way. I faced his back while he was standing stiff. " I am getting late." He kept it short and cold, as expected.

He was about to walk away until I stepped forward and declared. " But I want to talk to you..." He turned around and fumed in anger. He said," I told you I am getting late. We would talk another time. "

" But it's important for me and for you too... I won't ask for anything but listen o me this once." I stretched my hands towards him and streched my plam as if I was asking for something. And I actually was.

" Can you love me as your wife?"

His eyebrows narrowed and his orbs turned darker. He clenched his jaw and yelled,"What bullshit are you talking, early in the morning?" He stepped closer, almost towering my body although a hand distance away. He pierced into my soul and a shiver ran down my eyes as he penetrated my soul with fear.

But my strong determination was supporting me.

I said," Can you at least respect me as a wife? If not even wife then as a woman. I have feelings Jungkook and I can't let you treat me that way. We took vows a-"

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