25. Kicked out

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I couldn't believe I was standing here, again. I took a deep breath while Yoongi's secretary knocked on the door.

"Come in."

We walked inside, closing the door behind. That person as always was busy in studying his files as his secretary marched towards him. He was unbothered until he spoke.

"Mr. Min, Jeon Jungkook has came to see you."

When he recognised my presence. He slammed his file closed and looking up pierced into my eyes with his furious orbs. "Long time no see, brother in law." My voice only worked as gasoline which increased his anger. He glanced at his assistant and said," Who gave him permission to come here? I don't remember having any appointment."

"I think you forgot I am still a shareholder of Min Industry which allows me to wander anywhere I want."

"It's not a park. Now, get out. I don't have anything you want. Mr. Lee show him the exit." Yoongi yelled at me that slightly flinched his staff.

I straddled towards him and said," You can leave because I am not going anywhere without knowing the answers." Mr. Lee looked at Yoongi for final approval. He bobbed his head when Yoongi allowed him to go.

When the door closed I sat on the chair across the table." Won't you ask me tea or coffee?"

"Should I bring poison for you?"

His blant replay was savage but it wasn't unexpected. He was looking so horrific, ready to rip me apart but was restricting himself from doing a murder in his cabin. I raised my eyebrow mockingly and said,"You didn't came to visit me when I had plane crash, did you?"

He scoffed."I hate you. The more I look at your face, the more I get reminded of someone's sobbing face. Moreover, I was busy handling the post ceremony and the work of company. I don't want to stay in the same room with you because you disgust me."

"I broke up with Yubin. I want to correct my mistake and restart my life with Y/N."

"You are an unfaithful man. Engaging two woman at once but at the end got deprived of both. You broke my sister's heart so what you want me to do? Worship you or give reward for destroying her life?"

"You don't know what went on me! I am betrayed and used. I am also broken but I want to fix everything."

"You're not Bob, the builder. Also, my sister is not a second choice to keep. Get your filthy mind off her. She is living peacefully wherever she is. Let her move on. I don't want you to ruin her again."

"But I can't move on from Y/N. I realised that I can't live without her. I want to revive our marriage. Relive the life with a new start. For me she isn't a second choice but a wildcard that I never expected would make me yearn for her. I.. I love her."

"You? Bravo, Jungkook! After this much drama and fake crocodile tears you came back to square one. Huh! If only she hasn't said yes for appa's sake she would have lived more happily but that poor soul was drowned into the trap of bankruptcy."

"I want to resolve everything between us. At least give the address or let me talk to her. I know you know where she is living because you, yourself, said she is in contact with you."

"Yes, she is in touch with us and living quite great. Now, get out because there is no way I am exposing where she lives. Get out!"

He pushed me out of his cabin and slammed the door on my face. That was cruel but I knew he had huge anger issues. I groaned in annoyance because he didn't revealed anything.

"God! Please help me." I prayed before marched towards the elevator. When the door opened I walked but then got collided with someone unexpected.

"Omo! When did you came from Jeju Island?"

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