in between (us)

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The clouds hung heavily above the St. Augustine church. It's fitting, Chaeyoung thinks because merely seconds ago she just buried her fiancé

She was getting tired with all the condolences and and the sorry's she's received, its not their fault in the first place so why would they apologize

Her supposed to be in laws are getting ready to leave, she knows she's not supposed to compare the pain of losing the love of your life to the pain of losing a child, a sister but she knows they will never understand so she gives them a hug and they offer her a ride home

"I'll-uh... I'll pass, I want to clear my head a bit, walk around" she declines respectfully

"Call us when you get home dear" Mrs. Kim says, even when her eyes are bloodshot from the tears she's still as elegant and graceful as ever

Mr. Kim pats her back and offers a tight smile before entering the posh Mercedes-Benz, and Taehyung Kim who apparently even on her sister's funeral can never let go of his damn smirk

"It's your sister's fucking funeral Taehyung, can you be a decent human being for a second"

"Now where's that potty mouth when mother and father is here"

Chaeyoung scoffs, "are here, obviously oxford didn't do you any good"

"Anyways, ta-ta" the ever so insufferable Taehyung says as he waltz away disappearing among the sea of people

And true to her words Chaeyoung wandered along the grounds of the church although she tried to stay away from the burial site, she may be Seoul's fierce and fiery hotshot lawyer but the pain is simply too much right now

Like a defense mechanism her mind wanders off to work, she mentally reviews her cases (which she's sure will be taken away from her since her over protective father owns the firm she works on) and her mind wanders until she finds herself standing in front of an angel statue

"It's Azrael"

Chaeyoung jumped out of surprise, she spun around ready to lash her tongue out on the godforsaken stranger but when she laid eyes on the stranger she went still.

"Who are you?" Are the words that came out of her tongue instead of just walking away to this seemingly dangerous man

The said man smiled at her, although it looked creepy their was a certain lightness in the way he smiled at her, it's more of comfort than of actually creepiness which should have been the first sign that she should get the hell out of there 

The stranger doesn't answer immediately and Chaeyoung, as a force of habit examines the guy in front of her, he's leaning on the wall of the church, hands crossed on his chest making the sleeve of his button up reveal a few tattoos- symbol tattoos.

His hair is black combed back in a very stylish way, his eyes match the rest of his clothes, black and bland.

There's something about him that makes Chaeyoung thinks she's into some deep shit

Great, my fiancé just died and I'm caught up in some sort gang member, she thinks

"Angel of death, Azrael but usually I just go by the name death"


Okay maybe she's in deeper shit than she realized.


Chaeyoung is the youngest child of two asian lawyers, so she's been very protected over the years and when a guy sneaks up at her on her fiancé's funeral claiming he is death, her first instinct is to run

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