Some things are meant to be

423 37 13

|take my hand, take my whole life too
for I can't help falling in love with you

shall I stay, would it be a sin?
if I can't help falling in love with you|

Can't help falling in love//Elvis Presley

We're bringing back the class in classic


A typical person finds love in the latter part of their life, when they have a secured job, an apartment and everything else but not Jisoo. She found love way later in life- she have a secured job, an apartment on a fancy neighborhood, a dog and apparently an age where everybody seems to have been marriage.

She's only 30 and everyone's acting like she's bound to die alone- like she cares. She has enough money to take care of herself and so she have not tried any of her friends suggestions to go on a dating site

"And what? get STD? catfished? no thanks" is her reply and her friends just scoff at her and she pretty much got her life in order, she travels every weekend to somewhere new, she can afford to miss work every now and then and she has a dog that protects her on the street- a girlfriend would just ruin that freedom and harmony she have right now.

So thanks but no thanks but Jisoo will not convene to whatever hokum people are into these days - until on February 2 - 12 days before valentines.


Jisoo likes routines and so everyday she gets a cup of coffee on the café in front of her apartment before going off to work- at exactly 7:15 she enters the said establishment and order the same cup of coffee and leaves at 7:30 and arrives at work by 8:00 on the dot.

Wendy - the barista Jisoo is comfortable enough to call a friend - waves at her enthusiastically, like always the hamster looking girl is full of energy

"Hey wannie" she greets with a smile

"Jichu! I know you're a stickler for rules but can you go in late today? I just need to run pick someone up by the airport and nobody can watch the shop" Wendy almost begs

"As much as I want to help you out, I don't really know how to make coffee- why do you think I go here everyday?" she points out

"But Jihyo's cousin is arriving an hour from now and my girlfriend trusted me to pick her up- besides I love Chaeyoung enough to let my business suffer for an hour or so"

"And you love me enough to leave me and suffer along with it?"

"No!" the barista says with a cute chuckle, "I trust you enough to handle it" she points out and Jisoo narrows her eyes on her

"That's not gonna work on me- close the shop for a while then open it once you get back or better yet don't close up and tell Jihyo's cousin she's old enough to know her way here" Jisoo smiles sardonically at Wendy knowing that the girl does not have it in her to be angry at anyone

"Love you" Wendy says dejectedly and Jisoo smiles in victory as she exits the door, "Just so you know I'm filling the café up with hearts for valentines day as soon as possible just to piss you off!" Wendy adds


Damn it. She missed her routine- normally she wouldn't care- or she would but not as much. although realizing that Wendy kept her inside her café a little longer to mess up her routine made her smile - maybe she does have it in her to be manipulative at times.

So Jisoo goes back in and Wendy is smiling like an idiot on drugs, "Fine- but I'm picking Jihyo's cousin at the airport because I know you get distracted easily and you're gonna take longer than an hour if you see an Ice cream vendor"

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