I wouldn't mind

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|merrily we fall out of line, out of line
I'd fall anywhere with you, I'm by your side
swinging in the rain, humming melodies 
we're not going anywhere until we freeze

Forever is a long time 
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side 

Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile|

I wouldn't mind//He is we 


"Shit!" Jisoo couldn't help but curse as she gather her things in a haste, she's been so caught up on work that she forgot to pick up her anniversary gift to her wife

"Mother-" she stopped herself when she noticed a few of her office mates are still in the office

"Leaving already?" Lisa asks

"Yeah, special night" she says and then rushed to the nearest elevator

She have been married to Chaeyoung for almost 7 years and before that they dated for a long time, Jisoo should know better than to miss their anniversary since Chaeyoung have always been the one to exert effort on making that one day extravagant- she is so dead.

She already pre planned what she was going to do - she's going to leave work an hour early, pick up the bouquet of pink roses and her gift, she had custom made then she would cook them dinner and set it up on the patio of their house - but she's already an hour late to pick up both the flowers and her gift and she's been spamming the florist to ask if they're still open but given that she's in a rush, once the traffic started moving she speed off to make the most of this anniversary

Jisoo couldn't thank the Jennie, the florist - enough since she kept the shop open, "Thank so much" she said finally able to take a breath

"Don't mention it- this was my best creation yet would be a shame if it went to waste" 

After paying for the flowers, she bolted to get the gift and then rushed home, she knows Chaeyoung is already home- her work is more flexible 

Jisoo quietly went inside, she was expecting Chaeyoung to be waiting for her by the door wearing something that will probably kill Jisoo if she had a weak heart and her disappointed-yet-and-somehow-still-sexy look etched  on her face but no 

Weirdly, the house was quiet- it's never quiet if Chaeyoung's home, usually there's either blasting music or she's playing her instruments in the loudest possible way. Jisoo makes a point to check the whole house given and she finds her wife on her wife on the patio doing something she has no idea off 

Thankful for her wife's busy state she rushed to the kitchen, rolled up her sleeves and started cooking

In the midst of stirring Jisoo wondered what could Chaeyoung be doing at 8pm on the patio on the day of their anniversary- wild thoughts running in her mind, she forgot what she was doing and rushed to her wife's side 

"Hey" she says and Chaeyoung flinched in surprise 

"Yah!" Chaeyoung shouted at her, she looks mildly guilty and Jisoo wonders why though her question is answered when she peered at what her wife is doing 

"You forgot it's our anniversary?" it was more of a statement than a question seeing that her wife is trying hard to complete her gift

Chaeyoung hung her head in guilt, "I'm sorry- I was caught up with work and I-I didn't realize the time--" she hugged her wife which effectively silenced her 

"I love you" 


Jisoo pulled out the hug and stared at her wife incredulously, "What do you mean really? we've been together for 14 years" 

Chaeyoung's smile turned into a smirk, "We've been together for 15 you dumbass" 


They ended up laughing at each other until- "What...the hell is that smell?" Chaeyoung asks sniffing 

The food! 

Jisoo ran to the kitchen and turned off the stove- "So much for being romantic" 

"How long have you been home?" Chaeyoung asks when she sees the food Jisoo cooked- tried to cook 

"A little over an hour"

"You've been here for an hour?" 

"Yeah- you were busy so I figured I'd cook us dinner, anniversary and all" 

Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows, "You forgot our anniversary too, Didn't you?"


"Huh? Now I feel less guilty" 

Jisoo smiled at her wife's antics, "Why would you even feel guilty about missing our anniversary? we've celebrated it 14 times and you've always out done me" 

"True but I thought you know...We've been together for so long that I was afraid things we're going to change and me forgetting the most important day of our lives is new to me" 

"You're old" Jisoo teased but proceeded to hug Chaeyoung, "I think we've been together too long that we don't have to worry about things changing but just so you know if we ever change, it always be a better change- everything with you is better" 

"Aww~ aren't you romantic Ms. Kim" 


"Who the hell is Ms. Kim?" 


"I'm Mrs. Park" Jisoo smirked and Chaeyoung detached from their hug to scoff at her 

"Now you're just corny, yikes" 

"Hey! that's not nice" 

Thanks to Jisoo burning the food they opted to ordering Pizza and chicken wings- Chaeyoung browsed for a good movie while Jisoo cleans up the kitchen then they settled on the sofa, beers and pizza on hand while watching the latest lesbian drama Chaeyoung could find and Jisoo had one thought in her head- this had to be the best anniversary yet- not that the others aren't great

This one is as romantic it can get- it reminded her what she signed up for. 

"Hey" she softly calls her wife, "Just so you know I don't mind if we give up 5 stars restaurant dates or expensive bouquets or out of town trips for our anniversary, as long as I'm with you even if it's just pizza and beers" she says, her voice barely a whisper 

The way Chaeyoung looks at her is the same way she did 15 years ago and Jisoo knows she didn't mind as well.  

A/N: this is as close to cute as I can get :/

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