Hug me now lady (you drive me crazy)

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|let me hold your hand|

Let me//GOT7

She was so fucked up - yep.

Jisoo was supposed to go home right after school - right after - but did she? Nope.

She didn't and now she's running for her life because of two reasons, 1) Park Freaking Chaeyoung roped her in her latest 'goodwill projects' and 2) that goodwill project involves getting all the confiscated items on the principals office which was not vacated like Chaeyoung had promised

"Run!" The taller girl shouts at Jisoo

"I am running!"

"Well run faster!"

Mr. Jeon, their principal was running after them because he caught the two of them breaking in his office and trying to 'borrow' the confiscated items

"Chaeyoung if we get caught I am gonna kill you" she says as they took a sharp turn to the lockers to lose their principal

There's a shh from Chaeyoung as they crouch down on the men's locker room

"Don't shh me you got me into this" Jisoo continues to complain

"Jisoo, if you don't shut up I will make sure you don't make it at dinner" Chaeyoung threatens which effectively shuts her up because Park Chaeyoung is freaking scary when she's serious

After a few more moments they both decided the coast was clear and slumped into the floor at ease

"That was close" Chaeyoung laughs and Jisoo fights the urge to smack the taller girl

"Can you at least tell me what is so important that we almost got kicked out for?"

Chaeyoung tucks her blonde locks on her ears before grabbing her backpack but she never got to show Jisoo what she took from the teacher's office because Jisoo's phone rang and it was her mom calling

She immediately answered

"" she says uneasily and shoots Chaeyoung a glare

"Kim Jisoo, I said come home after school. it's been 2 hours after school"

"Hah - you see...uh-um funny things is I Park Chaeyoung home and I...was invited to dinner"

"Oh. - That's great then tell the Park's I said hello"

"Will do, Mom. Love you"

She ends the call and looks at Chaeyoung, "My mom says hello"

"Great, let's get out of here it's almost dark out"

They went out of the locker rooms and into the main gate, it was almost pitch black since the school is already closed

Jisoo pushed the school gate but it didn't budge or opened, "uh...I think we have a problem"

Chaeyoung who looked uncharacteristically agitated just hummed in question

"The gate is locked...from the outside - we're trapped in here" Jisoo explains in a mixture of fear, anger and agitation

"What?!" Chaeyoung practically shouts at her

"We're locked in" Jisoo repeats and ran her hands through her to calm herself and think of a solution but all she can think of is her mom getting angry

"Can't we break the lock?"

"From the outside? Unless you have laser eyes be my guest - damn it! This is all your fault" Jisoo scoffs

random thoughts // Chaesoo story dumpsWhere stories live. Discover now