For all the wrong reasons

293 23 6

|something to cry to|



Jisoo Kim have been pestered by her parents to date - and she knows they're not backing down because they accepted that she's gay and started setting up dates with the most eligible bachelorettes they know

"How about Sunmi from Lee industries" her mom had suggested for the umpteenth time - it was terrible enough that Jisoo had to socialize with every people her parents' have business with 

Why the hell is there even a party? and why here? 

"Mom, no-"

"Oh, for godsakes - you're 27, you need to start building a relationship"

"You're not gonna die if I don't marry immediately - calm down" Jisoo really wanted to leave the stupid party but she knew that if she left she would never hear the end of it from her parents 


She sighed for the nth time - before going to where her parents are. Mr. and Mrs. Kim are standing outside on the balcony chatting up with 3 people she does not recognize 

"Yes, mom?" She politely asks 

"Jisoo, do you remember the Parks? Mr. and Mrs. Park have just moved back here from Australia"

She does in fact - remember the Parks, Jisoo bowed as a sign of respect and shook their hands. Her eyes fall from the young girl in front of her

"Do you remember Chaeyoung? it's been a long time" Mr. Park says with a slight chuckle 

"How could I forget those chipmunk cheeks" Jisoo teased, a slight smile playing in her lips 

Chaeyoung - who is now blonde, rolled her eyes. "Typical Jisoo Kim, you haven't changed one bit" 


"That's not a compliment" 

"I'll take it as a compliment" 

"Bickering like they used to when they were 7 - it's like you never left" Mrs. Kim sighs happily 

"Want to go and leave the parents with their business talks?" Jisoo invites the blonde 

"Thank god" Chaeyoung mutters before nodding, Jisoo led her to the bar where the drinks are - she's getting a whiplash with how beautiful Chaeyoung is - she needs the alcohol.

"So...What's different with you? Other than you're a bigger asshole than I remembered" Chaeyoung asks as they watch a room full of wealthy people stroke each other's ego 

"Nothing much" Jisoo downs another shot of whiskey, "I'm still on my parent's leash" 

Chaeyoung laughs, "Well, you're not alone - I'm 27 and I was obligated to leave the life I built in Australia and move here" 

"That sounds a lot bitter than I expected it to be - boyfriend?" 

"Ex" Chaeyoung corrects, "And girlfriend" she promptly added 

"Ah - I see my gayness rubbed off on you" Jisoo jokes - they were - after all, inseparable when they were young 

"That's not how it works" The blonde says, "It's not my fault women are a better choice in every possible way" 

"You got that right" and they clinked their glasses at that 


Later that evening Jisoo opted to staying for a while after all the guests have left 

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