drunk out my mind

405 30 5

A drunk Chaeyoung does a string of embarrassing stuff and forgets them the next day


"What the fuck?" Chaeyoung groans as she opens up her eyes first thing in the morning - err, afternoon. 

"Good morning, sleepyhead" Lisa, her roommate greets her with her usual cheery self. Usually Chaeyoung would be just as cheery but not today - definitely not after she just got ingested her body weight in tequila 

"I feel like throwing up" she says and hurries to the bathroom, she can hear Lisa's faint laugh from the background of her hurling 

"And that my folks, answer the question of how was your first taste of a college hardcore party" 

Chaeyoung ignores her and instead focused on making the walls stop spinning, "What exactly did you do? I heard Irene Bae and Seulgi Kang was found sleeping on the teacher's lounge - almost naked" 

Despite herself Chaeyoung actually laughs, "It was wild" 

Lisa snorts, "Yeah, no kidding sherlock" 

"I vaguely remember there was a bottle involved and lot of spinning that was mostly it" 

"Jennie told me you played spin the bottle" 

"Oh yeah! that was that" Chaeyoung says, finally remembering bits and pieces" 

"She also told me not to tell you what you did and watch the horror in your face as you remember them throughout the day" 


Despite the raging headache Chaeyoung had no choice but to attend her classes in which she all shared with Lisa. 

"Why is Jisoo Kim staring at me?" she whispers to Lisa 

"How should I know?" her roommate bites back and goes back to listening to their professors talk about the ancient Greek

"No, seriously - look. Jisoo Kim is gawking at me" Chaeyoung feels a little uncomfortable and hot with the University's hottest most gorgeous student (and also Jennie Kim's cousin) is staring at her. Never mind the fact that Jisoo has a gigantic crush on her

"Maybe you made out with her last might during your party" Lisa teases and Chaeyoung almost swallowed her tongue

"No, I don't think so. I think I would remember kissing Jisoo Kim"

Lisa laughs which made the professor turn at them and they both flash a charming smile, "You sure? You were pretty out of it last night"

The rest of the lecture continued with Jisoo's eyes on her

At lunch Jennie gives her a bottle of coke, "Here - maybe this will jog your memory up"

"They don't sell coke in a bottle in campus" Chaeyoung points out

"Yeah - I had Jisoo buy me one earlier, she lives off campus"

"Speaking of Jisoo, what's up with her? She's been gawking at me the whole time" Chaeyoung says and pops open the coke bottle from a party trick she learned last night

And the sizz of the beverage must've jogged up her memory because she was gasping at her newly unlocked memory


The coke bottle lands on Chaeyoung and the crowd around the table whispers what they could dare the girl who is one more beer away to losing her common sense

"Nothing too harsh" Jennie reminds everyone with a glare as she sees her cousin eyeing her with disapproval for inviting Chaeyoung to a wild party

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