Forever bows with kept promises

307 23 14

|though darkness still fills the room within my heart
I am less sad when lying next to you|


"Why is there a party?" Chaeyoung asked Lisa as they arrived, the whole place is filled with people from business tycoons to politicians to other dignitaries

Lisa grabs one of the souvenirs lying on the table, "it says happy engagement"

They both looked at each other after the thought have settled, "No...?"

But sure enough Irene Bae was walking down the grand staircase and everyone was clapping

"No" Chaeyoung repeats

Lisa's jaw was pretty much on the ground with how breathtaking Irene Bae looked, "Holy shit-"

So that's why she didn't accept the arrange marriage - kept promises my ass. 

While everyone crowded Irene with congratulations and well wishes, Chaeyoung was huddled in the bar drowning herself in expensive champagne

"Did someone die...?" Chaeyoung looked up and saw none other than Oh Sehun smiling kindly at her 

"No" she was quick to dismiss the fact that she was not happy - "I'm happy for the couple - they seem like a great match" 

"They are" Sehun beamed like a proud friend he is, "Not to brag but we all had some help in the engagement" 

"Oh - you were in Jeju as well?" Chaeyoung was really trying her best to act curious and happy 

"Yep - everyone in our friend group wouldn't miss it for the world, It felt like forever to get here" 

"You must be very proud" Chaeyoung was bordering too close to sarcasm 

"Of course - it's not all the time Seulgi Kang goes out her way to do something romantic. I honestly didn't think she had it in her" 

"Seulgi Kang?" Chaeyoung repeats 

"Yeah? did someone call me?" A voice from behind Chaeyoung and Sehun spoke up 

It was indeed Seulgi Kang and of course - Jisoo Freaking Kim. 

"Seulgi Kang" Chaeyoung repeats again 

"Yes?" the woman beside Jisoo raised her eyebrows at Chaeyoung 

"Congratulations on the engagement" Chaeyoung awkwardly raised her glass 

"Thanks? I'll go and see Irene for a bit" Seulgi says, tapped Jisoo on shoulder and left 

"I think you spooked her" Jisoo says with a teasing smile 

"Shut up - were you listening the whole time?" Chaeyoung asks and glared at the girl who bursts into laughter

"It sounded like you were a little confused with some...stuff" Jisoo chuckled and high fived Sehun 

"Of course your in on this" Chaeyoung mutters 

"In on what?" The tall businessman asks innocently before sauntering away 

"Yes, Chaeyoung - in on what exactly?" 

When Chaeyoung didn't answer Jisoo turned serious and placed her glass on the counter, gently. "Did you honestly think I would get engage to Irene Bae? A week after I just turned down an arrange marriage to my fake girlfriend?" 

"Well..." Chaeyoung was looking for reason so justify her actions and thought but she's coming up empty 

"Besides" Jisoo signaled the bartender for another drink, "If I wanted to marry Irene Bae I could've dated her from the start and not get into this ridiculous set up with you" 

"Oh - so now it's ridiculous?" 

"Yes" Jisoo said as a matter of fact, "I just lost all my inheritance because of it - so yes" 

"I'm sorry about that" 

Jisoo waved her hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it - I got myself into this mess anyway" 

"Told you it will bite you in the ass someday" Chaeyoung pointed out

"You did" Jisoo laughed despite herself, "But seriously - don't be too pressed about it. It's not like I'm broke" 

"I know you're not broke - and you're 27 go look for a job" 

Jisoo looks her offended, "I started my own company at 20" she reminds 

"And yet you're unemployed right now" 

"Wow, that's pretty big coming from someone who works for her parents" Jisoo sipped at her champagne with arrogance

"Why didn't you accept the arrange marriage?" Chaeyoung asked abruptly and made Jisoo choke on her drink

"Ms. Kim are you okay?" One of the servers approached them 

"Y-yeah" Jisoo covers her mouth for a cough, "I'm fine" she dismissed the server 

"What do you mean why didn't I accept?" Jisoo asked once she had recovered her stance 

"Why didn't you say yes to arrange marriage? Was it because of me?" Chaeyoung asks 

"Of course it was because of you" Jisoo says, confused. "You made me promise if worse comes to worse - I won't do it for the wrong reasons - so I didn't" 

Chaeyoung just stared at Jisoo -

"If I were to marry you - it's not gonna be because my parents pressured me into doing it - or because I need to" Jisoo explains, "If I were to marry you - I would do it because I want to - for all the right reasons" 

When Chaeyoung stayed quiet Jisoo looked at her intently, "Do you want to get married?" 

"No" Chaeyoung answers 

"Are you sure?" 

"As of the moment - yes" 

"Okay, then-" Jisoo looked around to check if anyone is looking at them - no one was. "-wanna get out of here and get some Ice cream?" 

"Oh yes" Chaeyoung almost jumped with joy with the invitation


"I'm getting a whiplash with the turn of events" Chaeyoung admits 

"Pretty soon you'll get used to it" 

"So to be clear...are we still fake dating? or what?" 

"I don't take fake girlfriends out for Ice Cream" Jisoo states

The silence that followed meant that Chaeyoung understood - also because Jisoo shuts her up with her lips. 

Forever bows with kept promises - 

not with arrange romances. 



They eventually get married - Chaeyoung still had her chipmunk cheeks and Jisoo was still ever the insufferable asshole, not to her wife though - cause she's whipped as someone can be. 

A/N: Ta-da! HAHAHAHAHAH actually considered giving this a sad ending but what the hell - we all need something good in our lives right now so I hope this is one of those. 

Enjoy reading! and comment down your thought and suggestions

P.S. should I write another highschool Chaesoo one shot? 

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