Into your arms

341 19 2

|Halloween drinking made Chaeyoung make more bad decisions than her senior spring break| 


"You're going as a what?" Jennie asks her best friend, Chaeyoung - who answers promptly 

"As a chipmunk" the blonde goddess answers, "it's perfect" 

"Yes. If you're five  - I don't think you understood the part where we go to a party and hopefully come home with someone" Jennie tries explaining, "separately" she adds, she doesn't want another repeat of last year's 'almost threesome incident' 

"Well, if I'm going home with someone - it's someone who would understand my childish wonder and would appreciate my costume" Chaeyoung defends her choice 

"But we're supposed to match - what am I gonna go with?" Jennie whines

"You can still go with that sexy angel costume - it really suits you" 

After a few more hours of arguing and tequila shots (for confidence) the two finally left for the party. 


"What are you supposed to be?" another drunken guy asked Chaeyoung - she managed to fend off at least 10 more of these assholes (maybe she should've added a big 'GAY' sign to her costume) but right now she's running out of patience 

"I'm a chipmunk" she explains

"Oh!" the guy says in realization, "I bet you would've looked hot as a sexy maid though" 

"Go bother someone else, I'm not interested in your sexual fantasies, your crooked teeth and your bad breath" she snaps and leaves the guy, she sees the sliding door and makes way to escape until she bumps on a couple of drunk guys roughhousing each other causing her to be off balance and land on someone 

There was 'omph' before they both drop to the floor, the strangers' hands instinctively wrapped around her as they fall 

The effect of the tequila shots pre-party and the beer she had with Jennie before she disappeared somewhere suddenly hits her and she's feeling dizzy, the stranger must've sensed she had a hard time standing up because she helped Chaeyoung stand up 

"Are you okay, Miss?" 

Chaeyoung didn't answer, she was looking down trying to keep the vomit inside

"Miss?" the stranger still had her hands supporting Chaeyoung by her shoulders 

"Yea- yeah" Chaeyoung inhales once the dizziness and the urge to vomit passes, "I'm fine, thanks..." she looks up to see the face of the stranger and she was speechless for a moment 

The stranger was a gorgeous woman with raven hair wearing a rabbit onesie and small turtle shell bag

"Sorry for that" the stranger smiles, "Cute costume, by the way" she adds before leaving stunned Chaeyoung 


Cut to 2 hours later and Jennie is stumbling towards her with a chick almost as tall as Chaeyoung dressed in a devil costume that compliments Jennie's 

"So this is Lisa" Jennie says with a huge smile, "And she's coming home with me tonight" 

"...Okay?" Chaeyoung was confused as to why Jennie found the need to inform her that and her bestfriend seemed to think so too because after a wet kiss to cheek goodbye the two sauntered off

"Hi again" a voice from behind her says 

it was the gorgeous woman wearing the rabbit costume 

"Hi?" Chaeyoung said, unsure and stunned 

"So my bestfriend just sauntered off with your bestfriend" the rabbit girl says 

"Oh" was all that she can come up with 

"My name is Jisoo" the girl introduced 

"Chaeyoung" she returns the introduction 

"Listen Chaeyoung, Do you wanna come home with me or go home and listen to your bestfriend get fucked by my bestfriend?" 

She was stunned from the crude language but quickly regained momentum, "I'd really rather fuck you" 

And this time it was Jisoo the rabbit girl's turn to be stunned 

"Well then I guess it's a good thing you fell into my arms tonight" 


A/N: sorry for the crude language and the very super late update, been busy with life lately. 

Love you all and stay safe! 

Enjoy reading 


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