the one I hate less

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|If fighting is all we can do - I'll argue with you till my last breath| 

Everyone in the class A1 stared quietly as there top two students battle head to head in solving the math problem on the board - being the top section this kinds of competition happen a lot but Jisoo Kim and Chaeyoung Park competing with each other in a time bound math problem - oh it's about to get juicy. 

As far as everyone's concern those two have nothing to live for except to endlessly annoy each other and compete - high school rivals much? This isn't class isn't even math class.

The two students raised both their hands to signal that they were done and immediately checked each other's works'

"HAH! You forgot to minus one in the number of population before dividing!" Lisa barks 

"Oh yeah!? You forgot to put an exponent in the last number dummy - judging by our mistakes yours is far worse" Chaeyoung sassed and the class just shook their heads in laughter - these two are always the highlight of their day 

"And that's our lesson for today" Mr. Kwon interjects and sends a glare to the two 

"Stupidity?" Jennie Kim asks 

"No, Miss Kim. Arrogance" the teacher answered, "You two can go back to your seats" 


"Why do you hate Park Chaeyoung so much?" Lisa asked Jisoo while they were walking home 

"I don't hate Chaeyoung - I hate everyone" 

"Okay - why do you hate everyone?" 

"Maybe because they keep pestering me with stupid questions" Jisoo gives her bestfriend a look 

"You're such an asshole" Lisa says in a way that she means it but she doesn't want to offend Jisoo - not that Jisoo will ever be offended by that - because she is, in fact - an asshole. 


"Why do you hate Jisoo Kim so much?" Jennie asked

"Where the fuck do I even begin?" Chaeyoung huffs out, oh how much she hates that stupid arrogant girl and her stupidly perfect face and her stupid beautiful eyes 

"I thought you had a crush on her?" 

"I used to - but that was before I found out she was an arrogant asshole who cares for nothing but herself. I mean I get the whole teenage angst or whatever but it's like she hates everyone so she feels so entitled with herself" 

"Yeah, I get it" Jennie was sort of regretting asking her bestfriend because this was going to be a full on rant 

"And she's just so...ugh! I hate her so much and her stupid smirk and grin - and also what's up with her face, can't she express any emotions other than anger and disgust? didn't she watch inside out? did anger overthrow joy in her brain?" 

"I don't know!" Jennie shouts at her bestfriend, she sighed and collected herself. "Let's stop talking about Jisoo Kim, you look like you're about to pop a nerve in your brain - Joy might die" She whispered the last part

But like every high school student, there has got to be one subject that you're paired with your greatest enemy 

"Lisa Manoban and Jennie Kim, Jisoo Kim and Park Chaeyoung..." 

"oh for the love of god" Chaeyoung groaned 

"Jesus Christ!" Jisoo said at the same time 

The two dramatically glared at each other from across the room and their best friends just shook their heads in despair - this is not gonna end well. 

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