You're the one designed for me// Make it to me

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|My mind runs away to you
With the thought I hope you'll see
Can't see where it's wandered to 
But I know where it wants to be

I'm waiting patiently though time is moving slow
I have one vacancy and I wanted you to know that 

You're the one designed for me
A distant stranger that I will complete
I know you're out there we're meant to be
So keep your head up and make it to me 
And make it to me|

Make it to me // Sam Smith


They say we all have one person that is designed mainly for us - and Park Chaeyoung was adamant on finding hers. It starts like this -

Chaeyoung hears about this fascinating tale about soul mates during pre-school and she becomes obsess with fate, destiny or whatever forces in the universe there is and Jisoo Kim, her best friend is less than enthusiastic about it. 

And so the plan goes - Chaeyoung and Jisoo writes the perfect algorithm on who they think is the best match for each other, For Jisoo it's someone who likes Chicken as much as she does and for Chaeyoung it's someone who hates avocados as much as she does - and the list continues 

To likes - dislikes, pet peeves, characteristics, physical attributes and everything else 

Second year into high school they both found the perfect people who fit into their charts - Chaeyoung's was Bae Suzy, another giddy teen who was just about to beat Chaeyoung on happiest person alive

And her's was - Irene Bae, another serious human being who is just as dark as she is.

Ultimately it takes them the whole sophomore year to realize that their standards won't work because - as much as Chaeyoung's nice and Jisoo's...well, not - they can be the opposite of that

It goes like this, Chae had a fight with her parents and she's with Suzy trying to vent out but the girl was so nice and positive and she just needs a little darkness and rebelling so when the latter suggests they go for a walk She declines and goes to Jisoo and her best friend drove her to the city bridge and she screams her lungs out - and then they bought a few cheap plates and broke them

Jisoo realizes that Irene wasn't for her when the girl suggests they steal a bunch of kid's halloween candies - Jisoo would for sure do that but Chaeyoung would always stop her and just buy her her own candy or sometimes make her go house to house trick or treating

But Irene just enabled all the bad things she does, and that was not what she wanted.

By the time junior year rolls in Suzy and Chaeyoung are not together anymore and Irene is already dating Kang Seulgi from a different school

Jisoo stayed friends with Irene despite everything which made things easier for Irene to call her out on her so called dating algorithm

"If I fit exactly what you wrote down does that mean you're maybe looking at the wrong way" 

Jisoo shrugged off whatever that means, that was until she met Seulgi.

The girl was constantly smiling, very polite, very kind and happy - Jisoo was kind of freaked out how much of Chaeyoung she sees on Seulgi

The look Irene sends her way felt like cinder blocks on her chest when she realized what her ex was pertaining to

Later that night Seulgi pulls her aside and threatens her bodily harm if she ever hurt Irene or even think of hurting Irene in a sickly sweet tone that Chaeyoung used on her one time

Jisoo wasn't freaked about the threat, she could take Seulgi and so she tells the girl that she's the one that's supposed to warn her

Seulgi laughs, "oh right"


Senior year and Jisoo has a major crush towards her bestfriend - she blames Irene, if the girl didn't blatantly tell her who's the perfect girl for her then she wouldn't have looked at Chaeyoung in a different way. 

and her best friend is oblivious to everything - Jisoo isn't sure if that's better or not but either way her feelings are clouding her mind and she needs the focus so she can get into the best schools

Eventually (Thank God) Chaeyoung notices her dilemma and asks, "Do you need help with your studies?" Jisoo almost slams her own head in the library table, with a strained smile she declines

"Have you applied yet to any universities?" 

"I might take a gap year"

"What, why?" 

"Well... I wanna travel first and then you know start the most gruesome journey yet"

"Oh" Jisoo looks at Chaeyoung, "I'm going to college alone?" 

"It's only one year" 

"Why are you taking a gap year anyway?" 

"I just wanna test my dating algorithm in another community and if I'm not successful I'm destroying it" 


Senior year was pretty much a blur after that and at the back of her mind there's always that terrifying thought of Chaeyoung finding the perfect partner for her when Jisoo thinks that Chaeyoung is her perfect partner

Irene goads her to confess but she folds and just wished Chaeyoung a good trip - she got accepted at Harvard Business School she wasn't about to spent every waking hour worrying about her love life

She thinks (hopes) that if what they were told when they were kids was even in the slightest true - they will end up together (that is if Chaeyoung really is for her)

Half a year into Harvard and in her philosophy class, they're discussing the red string of fate theory

Lisa Manoban, a thai classmate of hers was called to state her thoughts

"Do you believe or do you not believe?" Their professor asks

"I do, I'm all for that soul mate...fate stuff but I also believed that you shouldn't leave everything to fate"

"Can you maybe...explain further?"

"I believe that there's one person that is fated to us but that doesn't mean you're going to be together - I believe that you have to tug on the strings that connects you to whoever it is just make them realized or feel that you're there"

That had Jisoo racing to her apartment and to charge her phone so she can call Chaeyoung on wherever part of the world she is

She stops in her tracks when she sees a familiar figure standing outside her door with a suitcase in hand and a bag swung over her shoulder

"Chaeyoung?" She tentatively calls

The girl turns and it was Chaeyoung - she looks different, her hair is now blonde, she was more tanned and her eyes radiate something that Jisoo couldn't quite pin on

Before she could say something her best friend attacks her with a bear hug - clinging unto her as if her life depended on it

"I'm sorry it took so long - but I finally found my way home"


"This is Jennie, she's responsible for all of this" Chaeyoung introduces her to a brunette woman with cat eyes

"Pleased to meet you, Jisoo--".

"Kim! Professor Kwon asks why'd you left his class--" Lisa doesn't get to finish what she's saying because her jaw drops as she sees Jennie

"Oh, I see where this is going" Chaeyoung laughs 

A/N: very very late update, Enjoy!

P.S. rewriting the in between us right now - feeling a little inspired lately.

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