you feel a little bit further away (and I don't know what to say)

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|are we wasting time
Talking on a broken line

Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages
I feel like we're as close as strangers 
Won't give up even if it hurts so much|

Close as strangers // 5 Seconds of Summer


When Chaeyoung and Jisoo first met, they hold an animosity towards each other though uncertain why they despise each other so much but even then Jisoo can handle the lowkey snide remarks and other things

Right now for some inane reason she can't handle Chaeyoung not pretending she does not exist- sure what she said and did was way below the line but she didn't think the girl could hold a grudge for a long time

Jisoo thought that since they have mutual friends Chaeyoung can't ignore her forever - turns out she can and she did and since they weren't exactly friends to begin with, nobody noticed anything else

She can't handle not existing in Chaeyoung's life whether it's someone she holds a grudge against

The first one to notice or at least call her out on it is Lisa- they were coming home from basketball practice when Seulgi invited both of them over for games

"Can't. Jennie and Chaeyoung are having a study session about something in Math and I'm crashing"

"How bout you, chu?"

"I'll be there" she says although she really wanted to crash the study session as well she's really not sure where she stands with Chaeyoung

Seulgi went ahead of them murmuring something about Irene needing something for a science project

"So...what did you do to Chaeyoung that made her hate you so much?" Lisa asks and her gusts twist in guilt

"What do you mean?" She tries to play it dumb but Lisa is already glaring at her

"Did you prank her again? I told you she hated avocados in confidence" Lisa accused

"It's nothing like that" Jisoo says

"Well you better fix it, Jennie keeps on wondering why Chaeyoung isn't joining us if you're there"

"What did Chaeyoung tell you? - about what I did" Jisoo knows Chaeyoung tells Lisa everything so she wonders if the Thai knows and is playing it dumb

"Weirdly she didn't say anything- usually its like a 15 minute rant on why you suck and everything" 



The first time they're together in a room that is not about school is during Taehyung's birthday- Jisoo came with Seulgi, Irene and Lisa while Chaeyoung arrived with Jennie and Nayeon

They're like this weird frenemies group where they don't particularly like each other but they enjoy each others company, which is the only reason they attended Tae's party in the first place

And parties that Taehyung host is the kind of parties that either ends with the police or everyone passed out drunk

Jisoo knows she's two drinks away from hurling her guts out but then again she lives just a block away from Taehyung so she can probably crawl home if she needs to

She spots the person that's been occupying her mind sitting on the corner chair chatting away with another freshmen

Blame it on liquid courage but she makes her way to Chaeyoung but before she can reach them, the girl was suddenly making out with the other freshman and that made Jisoo stop in her tracks

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