The Fellowship

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I cannot deny that I very much would like to be rid of The One Ring. Through all my years, I have heard of the corruption it does to man and the serious damage it does to our world. My father, Elrond, assisted Isildor to Mount Doom to destroy the ring, and to everyone's shock, Isildor could not throw it into the flames at Mordor. Now it travels from person to person, and even to what once was a hobbit. Now it is in the hands of a shy but determined Hobbit named Frodo Baggins.

I watch as the council of Elves, Men, Dwarves and Hobbits, discuss what action to take and after many clashes between the races, they come to an agreement. The Hobbit, has volunteered to take the ring to Mordor. Many see it as foolish, I see it as courageous and inspiring.

When the council finishes, I follow my father and Aragorn to the hall.

"I cannot determine that we will all come back alive, although I will try to see that it happens." Aragorn says to my father.

"Unfortunately a quest this great will have some tragedies, but I have the utmost faith in you." Elrond replies.

I see Aragorn's eyes distracted by my sister Arwen walking past. It's no secret that they both share more than a friendly bond, they have been lovers for years now.

Elrond realises what has stopped Aragorn in his tracks and smiles.
"You should spend the evening with her, make the most of what you both have."

Aragorn nods, and pats my father's shoulder before heading to see my sister.

"Father..." I say. "I will help them..."

He looks at me with confusion.

"What do you mean, dearest Kedealind?"

"The fellowship...I can help on their journey to destroy the One Ring. I know the route to Mordor, I can assist with safe passage..." I explain.

I see my father trying to keep a smirk at bay, as I see he thinks I'm incapable of such.

"Kedealind, you travel....but you are not a fighter. You are the life and soul Rivendell...a perfect host and supporter of our people daughter. I will not have you risk your life." He says.

"But father...If we can destroy the One Ring, isn't it worth risking one's life for? I may not be a fighter like those before me, but have heart, I can train, I can ride out...Please, give me a chance." I plead my case, as my father yet again dismisses my words.

"I cannot lose you, not like I lost your mother...I will not put you or Arwen in a situation where your lives are in danger." He says now sternly.

"Why? Because we are females?!" I snap at him. "Father...I...I'm sorry, I just...I really want to help. I love this world, if I can't play a hand in saving it, then what else is there?"

"No more word of this Kedealind! I have stated my reason for you staying. Now please accept that." He walks off, heading to his quarters.

I sigh, frustrated and feeling helpless. I tie my long red hair up and head to the training grounds, to fire some arrows. As I arrive, I see Legolas out there doing that very activity.

"Kedealind." He smiles after hitting the bullseye on the target.
"What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Greenleaf!" I say joyfully. "You will be teaching me Archery on this night."

I pick up a bow and a quiver.

Legolas smirks.
"In that blue dress? Not exactly training attire"

"I do not have training attire, unless I have started somewhat of a new trend." I say with a smile.

Legolas looks at me with admiration. We have always had a connection. He has always been there for me and we have quite often shared a bed together on occasions. Our fathers do not know of this but we care for each other immensely and we always will.

He stands behind me, guiding my hand, which is connecting the arrow with the string of the bow.

"Now line it up to the target. You might want to point it slightly above, as it will hit straight on when it falls." Legolas says.

I pull the arrow and let go. The arrow flies into the target....right in the centre.

I laugh with amazement.
"I did it!"

"I knew you could, your determination is unmatched." Legolas replies.

After a few hours shooting a few more targets, we become close like we had been once before.

His hands on each side of my face as we kiss.
We do not spend the night entwined in each other, however we do spend it looking up at the sky together.

We remember those we have lost, both our mothers and the family who fought for us to live, realising we could be in a similar situation when we help Frodo destroy the One Ring.

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