With What We Have Lost

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"I trust you are well, Kedealind." Galadriel says as we walk around one of the many forests in Lothlorien.

"Yes, although I cannot deny that I greatly wish for this curse on our lands to end. The destruction of the One Ring will bring peace once more. We have lost a member of our fellowship. Gandalf." I reply.

I see her face turn sorrowful, saddened almost.

"He was a good friend" she responds.

She hides her sorrow and she smiles at me. Like she has recalled something, however I do not know why.

"You are so alike to Celebrian. In looks as well as spirit. Although I see a brighter future for you."

Celebrian. My mother. Her daughter. Her heart must ache like mine, as she was the bond between the families.

"I miss her everyday. Father does too, even to the extent where he is overprotective of me and Arwen." I say.

"Elrond is not aware you are here." Galadriel states.

I smirk slightly.

"He will know when he finds out I'm not walking around Rivendell. He refused me to go with The Fellowship."

Galadriel laughs slightly.
"So you disobeyed him? I underestimate how much you are your mother's daughter. He has every right to worry about you, but I think your decision to help The Hobbit is admirable."

"Thank you Grandmother." I reply.

She turns to me now. I know what it is that she wants to speak of.

"I understand your father would like Legolas to propose marriage to you."

I nod.
"Yes, when we return from our journey."
My tone is half hearted. She knows this.

"You are unsure whether to accept this?" She asks.

I smile.
"Of course I will accept. I do love him...."

"Or did?" She adds.

"I must admit, our relationship is not as it once was. We are distant and have not shared a bed in years, but I do care for him greatly." I reply. "You do not think ill of me, do you?"

A weight feels lifted after I tell Galadriel this.

"No, you must be guided by what your heart wants. Not what you or others feel it should be."

Wise words, but then she has many.

I nod and follow her to see the fellowship.

Galadriel gives what I can only describe as gifts or charms of luck to the group. She even gives the dwarf Gimli a strand of her golden hair.

We head off now, on our journey to Mordor.

We take boats along the river to Parth Galen and after an altercation with Boromir trying to retrieve the One Ring from Frodo.
Boromir realises what he has done, and as we arrive, we find out what the Ring can do to corrupt man.

We hear a sound.
Crunching of leaves on the ground.
The occasional grunt.

"Uruk Hai" Legolas says. He has a great sense of hearing, far beyond any other person, Elf or being in Middle-Earth.

We all arm ourselves with our weapons and I stand in front of the Hobbits, protecting them from Saruman's army.

Close quarters combat is never a good idea with a bow and arrow.

Legolas throws me a couple of daggers and I defend myself and the halflings, while Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli use their weapons to fight off the larger foes.

"The Hobbits!" I yell as I see some orcs take Merry and Pippin away.

Boromir goes to get the hobbits and after a hard battle I see him in the distance. Three arrows stuck in his torso.

"No..." I say as everyone watches him collapse.

Aragorn slays the Uruk Hai that shot the killing blow to Boromir and rushes to his side.

We shed tears, the hobbits are gone and Boromir has passed.

Everything that could possibly sour our chances of destroying the One Ring has happened. My hope is waning and I fear our odds are getting slimmer by the moment.

A few hours later and we pay our respects to Boromir with a funeral. His body is sent down the stream in a boat. His wishes of paying a coin to the Ferryman.

Legolas holds me in his arms. I cry into his shoulder, letting out the pain I feel.

"How is this to be?" I say softly.

"It is a sorrowful day. He gave his life so we could move forward."
Legolas replies.

"Can we move forward? After this? It seems uncertain." I reply.

Legolas wipes a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

"Hope is all we have. We have to believe we can do this, for Frodo, for the hobbits...for Middle-Earth." He says before kissing me gently.

I nod and our foreheads meet.

"What would I do without you Lord Greenleaf?"

We kiss again and say farewell to our friend, Boromir.

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