The Riders Come Fourth

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On the path to Edoras, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and myself stumble across what seems like an Army of men. Aragorn knows them as the Riders of Rohan, and although I have heard of them, I do not know them well. They bare their weapons at us, while we instinctively react appropriately with ours. Legolas steps in front of me as if to protect me.

The leader of the men asks why we are here and as Aragorn mentions King Theodens name, the man jumps off of his steed and reveals his face by removing his helmet.

He is quite something, strong, handsome and I find myself unable to look away from him. His golden sand coloured hair is untamed, but I find it even more alluring.
Most Elven males are graceful and never have a hair out of place, but to see someone a little more rugged makes me feel more interested in them. He must have a wild side to him.

He explains who he is and that he is the King's nephew. His name is Eomer, and apparently King Theoden hasn't been the same for a while, Saruman poisoning his mind for his gain. The Riders or as he calls them The Rohirrim, have been banished by Theoden. He also explains that he believes Merry and Pippin were killed during the raid on the Uruk Hai, which sends us into shocked expressions. How is it that everyone we have befriended seems to be dying?

He looks at me, our eyes locking for the first time. He stares, and is nudged by another of his men as they have to keep moving. He leaves a couple of horses with us so we can ride to Rohan.

As he climbs up to his saddle once more, Eomer glances back at me before he places his helmet back on. I feel Legolas is slightly aware of the fact Eomer stared at me the way he did. I do not know if I will ever meet this man again, but I have never felt the way I have when I saw him for the first time today.

I watch him as he rides off, Legolas trying to get my attention.

"Keddy? Kedealind?" He says.

"Yes, sorry I...was planning on the next route we should take.." I reply, pretending that I knew what I was doing.

"Is everything well? You seem taken back." He asks.

I smile and pull my hood up over my head.

"I am fine."

We ride together to Fangorn Forest, while Gimli and Aragorn ride out together.

The forest is desolate, with only the sound of wind and leaves flying around the woodland.

There is a presence that Aragorn can feel.

"Show yourself!" He orders.

At first, we were prepared to fight Saruman, but as the figure drew closer, we saw who it was finally.

"Gandalf?" Gimli says, as we all look on in disbelief.

"This cannot be." Aragorn adds.

"Gandalf? We saw you die...The balrog ...we thought for sure it had killed you." I say in confusion.

He explains that this version of him is what Saruman should have become, and tells us he was brought back to help save Middle-Earth.

After explaining what had happened with the balrog and Saruman, Gandalf told of what he knew about King Theoden. Aragorn had told him what news Eomer had for us and immediately formed a plan.


That name floats around in my head and hearing it makes me feel indescribable feelings, in a good way.

"I am glad you have returned Mithandir." I say to Gandalf, before resting for the night with Legolas.

We lay side by side each other, looking up at the sky.

I do not understand why Eomer keeps being so apparent in my mind, but I am more than happy to have his handsome face in my thoughts.

As we lay beside each other, I can tell by Legolas moving closer to me that he wants more than just to lay here together. We kiss, which is fine but I know he wants more.

I envision that maybe I can pretend I am being intimate with Eomer, but I realise that would be unfair to Legolas if I thought of him as someone else.

"Keddy, I cannot help but feel that you are distant. We have not touched each other in years, and I very much would like to...I miss how you feel." Legolas states.

"I am sorry. After everything we have witnessed on this journey so far, it has made me feel a little sorrowful." I lie.

Legolas nods.
"I will always respect your wishes, my Lady."

I remember when the sex with Legolas was the best thing I had ever felt, but after a while it became a little more of the same. Not that it wasn't good, but because I wanted something more.

We kiss, which seems to be the only thing we do that is intimate.

"I am going to rest, we have a long day ahead of us." I say before kissing Legolas Goodnight.

"Goodnight Kedealind." He says, as I curl up in his arms.

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