Unwelcome News

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I watch the sky as I am sat on the lush green grass, my legs shifted to one side so I am at my comfiest. I grip onto my Evenstar, feeling the pain transcend through my body.

The man I have grown very fond of, is to be married to someone else.

I understand that marriages in some parts of our world are done as a business arrangement, especially between Kingdoms. However, Aragorn is to be King of Arda, and he chooses to marry Arwen. I question why my situation is different.

In the distance I see a group riding towards Edoras. I tilt my head to get a better look.


He had come on behalf of my father no doubt, to drag me back to Rivendell. I stand up, acknowledging that I must face the issue.

He approaches and dismounts.

"Lady Kedealind...are you safe? Well? Lord Elrond is desperately worried for you." Erestor says, trying to take my hand, which I hastily reject.

"I am fine Erestor. Just tired is all. We have travelled for a while and rest is all I need, however I will continue to help Frodo on his quest. It is priority." I answer.

Erestor looks at me now, his helmet framing his face, with some kind of woe in his eyes.
"I have missed you my Dear Kedealind."

"I am well, you can tell my father when you return to Rivendell that everything is fine." I reply, trying to avoid his advances.

"Will you not be with me? Leave Legolas...I will love you more than he ever could." He states.

Clearly he is not aware of my current situation.

"Erestor....I understand you carry a torch for me, however I cannot give you what you desire. Thank you for checking on me and my safety, I value your willingness to assist my father." I say.

"Kedealind...you deny me my right to be with you! What is it in the ashen haired Wood Elf that I do not possess!" Erestor says, now visibly angered.

"Would you like me to present a list to you? For one, I do not appreciate you watching me as I sleep. Do not deny it, I know you stand in my doorway as I lay on my bed. And two, you want me as a trophy to say you are in line with my father and our family. Three...you would not allow me to travel if we were together, I would have to sit at home and do as you desire...I'm sorry Erestor, but I do value my freedom."

I am stern with him, but I must tell him the truth.

"Watching you sleep Keddy, is my undying love for you, and if we were together you would be expected to clean and prepare a meal for when I return from the day, but this is tradition." He replies.

I notice he omitted the part about having ties with my family.

"I'm sorry Erestor. This is not what I seek." I say.

"Is this Elf bothering you my Lady?"
I hear a voice from behind where I stand.

I turn and smile to him, grateful to see him and thankful that the conversation with Erestor may now end.

"It is fine Eomer." I say turning back to Erestor.

"Who on Earth is this fool?" Erestor asks with disgust.

"Eomer..." I say, with a slight smile.

"Eomer of what? Son of who?" Erestor scowls.

"I believe you do not need to know, Elf." Eomer responds as I giggle slightly.

Erestor knows from the way Eomer looks at me and the way I react when he is around me, that we are more than just acquaintances.

"Keddy...him?! But...he is...a man! A low life..." Erestor now says in spite.

"He is a man, but a low life he is not...Next in line to the Throne however.." I trail off.

I can see the shock and disgust of Erestor as he sits up his horse once more.

"Your father will be livid Keddy...and he will know about this."

I feel slightly anxiety about this, but on the other hand I wave it off.

"Let him be...love is a fickle thing...I won't deny my heart of what it desires." I say.

Eomer takes my hand to back up my words.

Erestor now rides off.

"He seems..."

"Odd?" I say completing Eomer's sentence.

"I would go with father's pet, however odd works." Eomer replies.

"He stalks me in Rivendell. He has always wanted to be with me, but he is too much. I sometimes get anxious as I know where ever I am, he will be somewhere watching me." I say.

"Well, hopefully that will not be the case...maybe you will be my Queen.." he says as I look at him. My eyes fluttering slightly at what I know.

"I would want that...so greatly...however I over heard Theoden earlier, and his plans for you are not what you would wish." I say, as our hands are now together.

Eomer looks confused at this, and his brow furrows at my words.

"What did you hear?"

"I should not say...he will tell you I am sure." I respond, tears forming in my eyes.

"Keddy, please...I need to know...if my happiness is to be shattered...I have a right to find out why." Eomer says, concerned.

The tears now fall down my cheek as my chin spasms slightly, as I try not to sob.

"Theoden...is...or has planned your marriage...to someone of Gondorian lineage. He wants to align the Kingdoms." I saw with a slight croak in my voice.

Eomer shakes his head.

"Are you sure? You heard this correctly?" Eomer asks.

I nod.

"I will not be your betrothed Eomer...although I wish to be."

Eomer takes me in and embraces me.

"I will work something out. I'll talk to my Uncle. I will not allow this." He says as my head rests on his chest.

I look up and face him as our lips meet once more, amongst my tears and his frustration at the subject.

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