A Royal Meeting (Eomer's POV)

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"Ah, here he is now..." Theoden said to some guests as I met with him the next morning.

"Eomer...this is Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth and his daughter, Princess Lothiriel." He introduced.

I smiled slightly with gritted teeth behind my close lips and nodded.

"It is a pleasure." I say, shaking the hand of Imrahil.

I notice the Princess next to him. I cannot deny that she is beautiful, however she does not compare to the beauty and kindness that Kedealind exudes.

"Eomer! It is good to finally meet you! I have only heard great things, although it is sad about Theodred's passing. Our thoughts are with your kingdom." Imrahil states.

"Thank you. I feel this is his rite, not mine." I say, honestly.

Theoden laughs this off.
"It indeed would have been, but now you are the rightful heir to the Throne, and it is an exciting time for both Dol Amroth and Rohan."

I smile unconvincingly.

"Right well! I do believe we should allow you both to get to know each other before the marriage. You have an hour before the proceedings begin." Imrahil says with a great bellow.

Lothiriel steps forward and smiles nervously at me. She is petite, the same height as Keddy, with long brown hair and freckles.

"My lord.." she says before she graces me with a curtsey.

"Lothiriel. We shall go to the study." I say.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Imrahil says joyfully. He seems like a good man and jolly, despite how the war looms.

Him and Theoden walk with each other shortly after the latter gives me a warning stare. As if I have no choice in the matter, or how I act.

I guide Lothiriel to the study and close the doors behind us.

"Eomer...you seem like a wonderful man and you would make an excellent King, husband and father..." Lothiriel says, however in the tone of her voice I can hear her getting to the conclusion of the sentence.

"Alas..I cannot marry you."

My eyes widen.

"Please do not think of this as anything wrong on your part, I am in love with another..." she says.

I sigh a breath of relief at her words and smile.

"I cannot tell you how much I have been against this marriage, for the exact reason. I too am in love, however my uncle will not allow me to marry her as her home is not regarded as a kingdom." I explain.

Lothiriel shakes her head.
"I know they are trying to align our Kingdoms, but how about a treaty? A discussion? I feel they would get further that way. At least your Uncle knows about your lover, my father would probably shun me if I told him about my love affair..."

"Imrahil does not know you pine after another?" I ask, confusion visible in my eyes.

"You would probably find me disgraceful if I told you..."
She mentions nervously.

"Orcs invading homelands of Innocents are disgraceful, I doubt it is as bad as you believe." I add.

Lothiriel looks frightened almost, like she would rather keep her information hidden.

"If you would rather not tell me, I understand."

"No, it is fine. I...I'm in love with a woman...my maid actually, Isobeilia. It is shunned by many, however I have loved her for years. One day I hope that it will be celebrated, but my father would not let me see her if he found out. She is who my heart desires." Lothiriel states. I can tell she is relieved now she has told someone.

"If you love anyone with all your being, isn't it worth breaking the rules for?" I say, knowing from my experience that I only want one woman.

Lothiriel nods and smiles.
"What will we do?"

"Me and Kedealind, my lover, plan to run away together...do not place the blame on yourself, I will leave and we do not need to wed. Nothing will come down on you and you can still continue to see Isobeilia." I say, with a smile.

"You're eyes shine when you mention her. She must be someone so special and dear to you, I hope you both have the happiness you desire." Lothiriel smiles.

"Thank you. I too hope you and Isobeilia can work out a way of being together without having to hide away." I reply, noticing the pain in her eyes as I say it.

She nods.
"Me too. Thank you Eomer. You will make a great King one day. I bid you farewell."

"And you a farewell. Take care of yourself Lothiriel."
I respond.

Moments later I return to my quarters.

"Kedealind...my love..."
I say with no response.


She is nowhere to be found. I check the room thoroughly.
I begin to worry now until I see an envelope on the dresser with my name written neatly across the front.

I take it.
I open it.

I read it....

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