Do Not Let Me Go

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That evening was not as celebrated as the last. We stand in the Golden Hall with Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf and Theoden, discussing our next move.

I stand beside Eomer with him next to Legolas. I cannot describe how awkward this feels.
Legolas is obviously irritated, I can tell by his face, his mouth, although closed, is hiding gritted teeth.

The discussion is to help Gondor through this war, which Theoden is understandably hesitant to accept, although Gandalf questions this and talks him into aiding our allies.

After the meeting, I wait until everyone has gone to speak to Legolas. My heart aches and I feel awful that I have made his heart break. He tries to walk past me until I say his name.


He stops and turns to face me. No words. None. Just the look of disappointment.

"I am not in the mood for your lies Kedealind." Legolas snaps back.

"This is no lie Legolas. I value our friendship, your protection of me. I do not wish for that to fade." I say looking at him with sorrow in my eyes.

"If you did not share the love we had once, why did you not tell me? Before you began bedding another?" He says.

I nod.
"I know, I should have. I wronged you but I could not bare to see you hurt."

"But waiting until now was a better choice? We had something special Keddy, it's going to take more than a day for me to truly accept that you didn't choose me." Legolas replied.

"I understand. We did have something special...and I never wanted it to end this way. I hope you will accept me as a friend later on, whether it's days or years. You will always have a special place in my heart." I say as my hand caresses his cheek.

I can tell he likes the touch of my skin on his face, however he backs away gently.

"Maybe I will, it is hard for me to say. It's going to take a long while for me to get past what we had Keddy..." Legolas says with a sigh.

"I am sorry...truly." I say, my face showing just that as the tears well.

Legolas nods and walks away, regrettably.

I make my way to Eomer's quarters and knock on the door.

He opens it and I am faced with a sight to behold. He is showing his bare torso with some cotton trousers on his lower half.

As he sees me, his eyes soften and he allows me to walk into the room.

"Any news....of the marriage?" I ask.

Eomer shakes his head.
"Theoden said he would inform me over the coming days. I refused to agree with the arrangement.."

"Oh? What did the King say?" I ask  hoping for some good news.

Eomer's face shows frustration now as he moves to the bed and sits upon it.

"He said it is not something that can be overruled. Lothiriel was to wed Theodred, however as I am now first in line to the Throne, I have to uphold Rohan's side of the deal." He said in a hopeless tone.

I wander over to him and sit beside him, taking his hand into my own.

"If you do have to marry her...Will you be with me still?" I ask.

He faces me now as his eyes tell the story.
"Without hesitation. I am not marrying for love, it is a business deal, nothing more."

"But...I would be your mistress...not important enough to be your wife, bear your child. If I were with child, you could not act as it's father. It would be frowned upon." I say, feeling my chest tighten.

"Then let them frown. I would do anything for you, and our child if you birthed one. I am not going to let you fade into the background Keddy, my heart would be unforgiving of me." He admits.

I kiss him, the taste of him lingering on my mouth as I move onto his lap. He frees my corset, and lowers my dress leaving it to fall down my arms.

He plays with me, under the skirt of my dress, leaving his fingers soaked.
He inserts two fingers into me and pumps them in and out, feeling my walls contract around them.

I whimper as I near my climax.
"Eomer..." I say delicately, before a wave of ecstasy washes over me and my core.

I scream with pleasure at his touch, begging for him to enter me with his member, which is hard as stone at this point.

He unbelts his trousers and throws them to the side.

He now enters me, as I am sit sat upon his lap. He growls slightly at the feel of me, and I gasp at his thickness.
I gradually move up and down on him, getting faster as I do so.
We kiss as I take all of him, he eventually kisses my neck as he allows me to scream with joy.

"Keddy, you are beyond words..." Eomer says.

He flips me over, finding it hard to resist having his way with me.
His thickness enters me fiercely as I feel myself on the edge of the next wave of pleasure.

"Please Eomer...I am coming undone....come with me..." I say breathily as he eagerly moves in and out of me, his pace quickening.

I feel him jerk against me as my words get him fired up even more.

I once again call out his name as I feel the euphoria.

Eomer's length spasms inside of me as he fills each and every inch of my intimacy, as he lets out a snarl of pleasure.

As he pulls out of me, he joins me in his bed.

My head rests on his chest as our hands entwine together.

"How could I let this fade?" Eomer says.

I smile at him as our lips meet once again.

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