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(WARNING: Slight smut)

The Hall was bustling with cheers and happiness that evening as everyone celebrated their victory. There was dancing, drinking and games across the  Kingdom, the people feeling genuine relief at a tiny piece of good news.

I stand with Legolas and Gimli who decide on a drinking game.
Eomer approaches, looking polished up and clean. Usually I see him in his battle attire, however this suave and clean look for the festivities has me admiring his features clearer.

He seems offish around Legolas, but he knows I haven't told him yet about my feelings.

"This is Eomer...King Theoden's nephew." I introduce him to Legolas and Gimli.

"Now we finally get your name, Horse Master!" Gimli replies.

"I apologise for my defensiveness when we first met. I find it hard to trust in these times. I was wary of what may have come to Rohan." Eomer explains.

"No need to apologise. You were acting how anyone would have." Legolas replies.

Eomer shows a slight nod.

"Legolas and Gimli have decided on a drinking game..." I muse, with a smile.

"I'll pour the first drinks!" Eomer announced gladly.

As he did, I didn't want to let on I knew that Legolas would win, as Elves have a high resistance to alcohol.

Before they begin, I tell Legolas I need to get some air.
"Are you alright Keddy?"
He asks.

"Yes, just tired. I think it may be an early night for me." I reply.

He takes my hands into his and kisses me. I can see Eomer turn the other way as we do, as to not get disgruntled.

"You do not mind if I spend the evening enjoying the celebration?" Legolas asks me.

"Of course not! We all deserve to celebrate. Just do not embarrass Gimli too much when you win the game." I whisper to him, with a smirk.

"It will be difficult, but I think I can be fair" He laughs.

"Well I will see you later." I say, before Legolas kisses the top of my hand.

I walk out to the garden, looking at the beauty of Edoras.

It is somewhere I could imagine myself staying if I had to. The wind blew through my hair as my thoughts took over. Eomer was on my mind.

It is almost like he intended to make me feel weak against him with his look this evening. He smelt good too. This man would be the death of me.

Eomer joined me later in the garden as to not arouse suspicion as to where he went.

"My Lady..." He said, keeping a distance so no one could see us.

"Eomer..." I reply.

"I bid you a goodnight...I will retire to my Chambers for the evening." He said.

We were playing a game, trying to put on a show for everyone, so it was not obvious that we would meet later.

"Are you unwell?" I ask as part of the act.

"I am feeling pained from battle. Nothing that rest will not cure. Have a good eve Lady Kedealind."
He says before heading off to his quarters.

I nod and wait a while before returning inside.

I walk up the steps and along the corridors to where Eomer resided. I knocked and moments later, the door opened.

I walked in and he closed the door behind me.

He looks at me with feral eyes.

"Are you intending to drive me wild in that dress?" He says.

The blue fabric accentuating figure and trailing behind my feet.

"I believe that is your eyes are finding it hard to look away from you in your fancy clothing, sire." I say.

Without warning, we draw closer together and he pins me against the nearest wall, taking me in and kissing me deeply.

I whimper as he kisses me down to my neck. I feel his hand trail up my skirt, and he feels how wet I have become for him.

"You are soaked through." He says.

"I cannot help how you make me." I reply breathily.

He pulls me close to him, placing a firm grip on my behind as we kiss passionately.

"Take it off." He growls, between kisses.

"My dress?" I ask.

"Everything, I want to see your beauty underneath." Eomer states.

I stand back and undo my corset, then dropping it to the ground. I untie my dress, and it falls down my body, past my legs and onto the floor. I step out of the fabric, and take my under garments off. Lastly I took my long red hair out of the updo it was in, and shook my head to free it completely.

I'm facing him utterly nude now. Everything is bared and I see him bite his bottom lip, probably thinking of all the things he wants to do with me tonight.

"Like what you see, Sire?" I ask.

"You are the most beautiful woman Kedealind. I have never seen a body as perfect as yours." He said, wanting to take me there and then.

"It is your turn." I smirk, mischievously.

Soon he bares all to me.
I look at him, his rippling muscles making me swoon and his thick and lengthy member erect for me.

"Is this what you imagined My Lady?" He asks.

"It is everything and more" I say.

"Get on the bed....I cannot wait any longer." Eomer orders.

Turned on by this, I happily do so.

We have waited long enough to do this with each other, that it is a relief that we finally get to do it.

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