A Curse Lifted

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Edoras is beautiful. I find myself comforted here, the views are exquisite and the structures are unlike any others I have seen. Edoras is known for it's ownership and care of horses, sometimes the royalty here are known as 'horse-lords'. A caring community, the people here are friendly, but frightened of what is to come. As we enter their quaint town, many stare like they have never seen Elves or Dwarves before.

Gandalf seems to have been here before as many utter "Greetings Gandalf" while we and our horses walk by.

"It is good to see you again Gandalf." A lady with long blonde locks says. Her face showing that she has wept but a smile covering her true expression.

"And you Eowyn, my dear. Where is King Theoden?" He asks.

"At his Throne. Although he is not himself." She replies in a similar vain to Eomer.

We dismount our steeds and the keepers at the stables tend to them as we approach the Golden Hall.

I walk side by side with Legolas, taking in the unique style of the town.

"You like it here my lady?" He asks.

"It has a warmth. A feeling of comfort and honesty. It is remarkable." I reply with a slight smile.

"Many think of Edoras as lesser, but it is  home to many, and a safe haven. They are a good people, and their King is usually an agreeable man." Legolas states.

I see the joy in his eyes as he sees me smile. I feel a slight sickness rise in me from how guilty I feel, for looking at Eomer the way I did and that I no longer share the physical bond me and Legolas had. I feel unfair to him, he loves me unconditionally and I cannot give him what he seeks.

We head to the halls, seeing King Theoden sat with a glazed look about him. Anyone could see there was a problem here, whether or not they knew the King before this or not.

A small pale and greasy man, wearing all black is sat beside him whispering into his ear.

Gandalf takes the lead in this situation and tells King Theoden of the on coming Armies that will try and sabotage any hope. King Theoden laughs it off, with this Grima Wormtongue answering for him.

"You must not listen to him Theoden! He is poisoning your mind!" Gandalf shouts.

He then shows his power and reveals his Gandalf the White attire, along with his staff.

King Theoden is taken aback by this and eventually the spell is waring off. Theoden returns as he was and banishes Grima, the way Grima banished Eomer.

"Gandalf..I...where is my son? My niece? Nephew?"
Theoden asks confused.

Eowyn, approaches him now.
"Uncle?" She says with a smile and a few tears building.

She runs to him and embraces him.

"Eowyn. You are well?" He asks.

"Yes Uncle, as well as is possible in these times." She replies.

They both spend time catching up and grieving for Theodred, his son who was killed during an orc raid.
The topic of Eomer comes up and my eyes dart immediately to them as they talk about him.

"We met Eomer. He told us of his banishment." I cut in. "He is well but his hope is waning."

"You saw him? How is he? Well?" Eowyn asks frantically.

I nod.
"He looked well...seemed ready to battle."

Eowyn nodded.
"How he deals with his anger is to fight. It cannot be easy for him."

Theoden, Gandalf and Aragorn speak about the on coming War and it is decided that tomorrow we ride to Helms Deep.
Gandalf mentions going to find Eomer and tell him what has happened.

"I will come with you Mithrandir." I say, while mostly everyone in council stares at me.

"Keddy, what do you mean?" Legolas asks.

"I know the safe passages of Middle-Earth, I can travel with you and help find a safe place to stay until tomorrow. Please Gandalf, I know these roads, if there is anything I can do to help greatly, it is to guide others to safety." I explain.

Gandalf nods.
"Very well, that is one thing I cannot argue with my lady."

Legolas looks understandably confused and wonders why I offered to go with Gandalf rather than the rest.

"If you feel you can help in this way, so be it. Keep safe." Aragorn says.

I nod.

"The Elf girl is mad! I like it!" Gimli announces in his usual gruff but hopeful tone.

I smile and chuckle slightly at his comment.

As we decide on the next move, I go to leave with Gandalf until Legolas pulls me aside.
His eyes tell me his concern.

"Keddy, why? This sounds dangerous, you would not have me as your protection?" He asks.

My hand caresses his cheek and he closes his eyes at my touch.

"Legolas, you know I am a help when it comes to navigation. I have travelled these roads all my life before the threat of the war. Please have faith, I can do this and I will come back. I promise." I say. "Let me do something independent of everyone else."

Legolas nods.
"Promise you will meet us at Helms Deep?"

"Of course." I reply.

He kisses me deeply.

"Take care my love." He says, taking my hands into his own.

"And you." I reply before we head our separate ways.

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