Helms Deep

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As we prepare for battle, Gandalf insists I check in on the women and children that are being protected by Rohan's army and Eowyn.

"I can fight, you know this. You have seen it on our travels here." I say.

"Yes, I know, and your aim with an arrow is quite splendid." He says. "I need someone reliable to make sure the people of Rohan are safe, and who better than an Elf from Rivendell?"

A small smile forms on my lips and I nod.

"I suspect you will tell Legolas of your meeting with Eomer?"

I turn swiftly to face him.
"How do you..." I ask.

"A wizard is never fooled my Lady. I believe you were with him this morning...and last night. The mere mention of his name makes you blush." He explains.

I take a deep breath and press my lips together.
"I cannot help it Gandalf. I wish I could, however I now know why my sister has fallen for a Mortal Man. They are different in their ways to Elves. I feel protected when I'm around him, yet he is unpredictable."

"You must do what you feel you must. There is no judgement from me Kedealind." Gandalf replies.

"Thank you Mithrandir."

Helms Deep

We ride into Helms Deep ready for War. We can see the people exhausted and waning in the battle against the Uruk Hai.

"I will find safe passage to where Eowyn is keeping with the women and children. Please be careful." I say to Eomer and Gandalf.

Eomer and I look at each other before he heads into battle.

"Stay safe Keddy." He says.

"You had better not get hurt Eomundson..." I reply.

"If it means you nursing me back to health, then it cannot be so bad." He smirks.

"Just stay in one piece Horse Lord." I smile, before heading to find Eowyn.

I find a safe route round to where they are staying and attack a few orcs who are trying to enter the area. My bow and arrow takes them out swiftly, and my daggers help with close quarters.

Once I have cleared a path I go to see Eowyn. Everyone there looks frightened, nervous and tearful, that maybe their fathers, sons, brothers, husbands or others are injured, or worse.

"Kedealind!" Eowyn says.

"Eowyn, how does it seem?" I ask.

Eowyn looks back to the people with her.

"They are terrified of what we have lost...what they have lost. There is a woman here who is due to give birth soon, and people are in need of water and food. We cannot stay here for long." Eowyn admits.

"I do not think we will be waiting for much longer. Gandalf and the Rohirrim have returned with me. Our numbers are far greater than they were." I say.

"That means...Eomer...is he well?" Eowyn asks of her brother.

I nod.
"Yes, very much so."

I see Eowyn smile at some good news at least.

Soon we hear yells of victory.

We look to each other in relief.

"I think...we have won..." I say.

Not long after, Eomer approaches, taking his helmet off after he dismounts.

"Brother!" Eowyn says, running towards Eomer. "Is it safe?"

He nods.
"Yes, you are able to leave this place now. How are you my sister? Grima is leaving you be?"

Eowyn nods.
"Grima is banished now after the curse on the King was lifted. He no longer stalks the halls of the Kingdom. No longer does he spew lies and deceit to our Uncle."

"Good. I am glad." Eomer says.

Eowyn leads the women and children out of the cove under Helms Deep shortly after, leaving me and Eomer.

He smiles and kisses me deeply when no one is watching.
"I cannot think of a better way to celebrate a victory, than with you."

He kisses my neck now, my body feeling stunned at the way his lips graze my skin.

My head tilts back, my eyes rolling back at the pleasure he gives me.

"We cannot, not here..." I say breathily.

"You would like me to stop?" Eomer teases.

"No, however I suggest we do this somewhere more private" I say, biting my bottom lip.

Eomer's length is bulging, I can see from where he has been kissing me that he is certainly aroused.

"The Hall, my quarters, during the celebrations. I need to see you tonight." Eomer says, wanting more than just a kiss this time.

I nod.
"Yes sire. I shall not disappoint you." I smirk.

"Make sure you don't, otherwise I may have to punish you..." He smirks back, with a fierceness in his eyes.

He walks off, trying everything he can to hide his bulge.

I giggle and come up to the surface with everyone.

Legolas sees me and smiles with relief.
He comes towards me and cups my face, kissing me passionately.

I can sense Eomer has seen this, from the corner of my eye he seems more than frustrated by it.

"You are safe, my love" Legolas says.

"Yes, and you? You are not injured?" I ask of him.

He shakes his head lightly
"No...in fact I beat the Dwarf at his own game..."

Gimli looks up at him in disagreement.
"You only Wish Elf!! I am sitting pretty at forty three!"

"Not bad...I'm at forty five, myself." Legolas grins.

I can see Gimli looking like he is going to go ballistic at this comment.

I laugh.
"It is good to see you both getting along."

"We only get along lassie, because I allow it!!!" Gimli replies.

"And because I help you onto your horse..." Legolas adds.

"Yes...but that doesn't count!" Gimli says.

"Celebration this eve at the Golden Hall!" King Theoden announces, with cheers following this statement.

I look over at Eomer, who I want to stand beside. He is clearly envious of the kiss me and Legolas shared, but I have told him my truth. I am to tell Legolas tonight that I no longer have romantic feelings for him.

I only hope this evening will not end in a fight between the two of them.

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