After The Storm

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I have been engaged to marry Eomer for a few months now. After the war, everyone in Middle Earth found it strange settling back into their lives and duties, including myself.

Aragorn was crowned King of Gondor just one week ago and the land is now a happier one. He is a fair King, one who will no doubt bring joy and hope to what was once a bleak and frightening existence.

The Orcs still roam the lands, although fewer in numbers.

I am in the Golden Hall with my Father, Elrond and a few of our people from Rivendell. Erestor being one of them.
I wear a duck egg blue dress, and my hair is braided delicately. I wear an elven headpiece, which hangs elegantly around my fiery locks and sits gently on my forehead.

Breakfast is something we do not take in high regard, as we eat little and often, however humans and Hobbits in fact cherish it. Some say it is the most important meal of the day, and after devouring a plate of eggs and bread, I understand the fascination.

"Kedealind, do not think I have forgotten you left Rivendell without my permission." Elrond says, cutting into a fried mushroom on his plate.

"Father...I am a woman. One who is able to make decisions for herself without hesitation. You forget I am the eldest out of Arwen and I." I respond.

"Yes, I do forget. And although I worried for you greatly, I am proud you made a decision to help others during a time of need. You are more like your mother than I could hope for." He smiles, continuing to eat his breakfast.

I smile and continue on with mine. Erestor giving me a stare that could kill.
He is not happy to be here, but after finding out how frightfully obsessive he was regarding me, my father wanted him to come along. Knowing how in love me and Eomer are, it was more of a punishment for the many times Erestor has entered a room I've been in, unannounced.

I see Eomer walk into the hall, his eyes immediately looking to mine and his mouth forming into a smile.

Erestor is behind gritted teeth.

I stand and hurry to him, longing for his touch once more.

"My love." I say, throwing my arms around the back of his neck and kissing him, as he places his hands on the small of my back.

"I trust everything is as it should be?" Eomer said of the situation in the Hall.

I nod and giggle.
"Yes, My King."

"You know I love it when you say that." He says quietly to me with a knowing look and a smirk. "Makes me want to rip the clothing from you and have my way.."

I bite my bottom lip as I giggle once more.
" can do as thou wishes"

"I should probably introduce you to my father." I say after our quiet conversation.

I take Eomer's hand and walk beside him as we walk to the table.

"Father. This is King Eomer of Rohan. Eomer...this is my father Lord Elrond."

"It is good to finally meet you." Eomer says as they both shake hands.

"Yes, my daughter has said much about you. It is delightful to see the man she has chosen to spend her life with." Elrond replied.
"I am sorry about King Theoden. I spoke with him on more than one occasion, he was a good man."

Eomer looks slightly sorrowful now, remembering his Uncle.

"Thank you. He was a brave and fair leader, I can only hope to be half as good as a King as he was." Eomer responded.

"You will be, in time. It takes a wise and experienced man to truly settle into the duties and life of a King. From what Kedealind tells me, you have already done much for your Kingdom before the crown." Elrond said.

"Thank you. I hope you would give me your blessing to Marry Kedealind? She is magnificent, kind, clever, strong-willed and beautiful. I cannot imagine my life now without her in it."

Eomer says as I smile.

He looks to me, his eyes showing me that all his words are true.

I cannot help but blush at his admission.

"Seeing how happy you are together...Of course you have my blessing." My father responds as I smile and giggle, almost with tears of joy.

This will be the second large wedding in Middle Earth after my sister Arwen and Aragorn were Wed. Arwen gave up her immortality for a human life. Once upon a time I would not have understood her decision, but now it is clear.

So clear that I have decided to do the same.

"Father...I choose a mortal life. I wish to spend the rest of my days with Eomer. I could not imagine my life with him gone. I would be a widow until my long elven life ends, and I could not bare it."
I admit.

Eomer turns to me.
"You are sure of this, My love?"

"If you wish to be mortal then that is your decision. Make sure it is the right one, as it cannot be reversed." Elrond states.

"I have never been more sure about something in my entire life."
I turn to Eomer and my hand gently caresses his cheek.

"I love you." I say, before Eomer kisses me deeply.

"And I, you."
He says after our kiss.

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