Exploring Man

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WARNING SMUT-18+ Mature audiences Only

I get onto his bed as he requested, and swiftly he joins me, kissing me as he places his body between my legs and on top of my torso, as we move together. He trails kisses down to my neck and my head falls back, eyes closed feeling the pleasure of his teeth grazing my skin.

His lips move lower now and I whimper as he teases my left breast with his teeth and tongue, while one hand is placed on my right, tenderly kneeding it.

He trails down now to my intimacy and I part my legs to show him.

I can see his length hardening a little more as he looks between my legs. He lowers himself and with a wicked grin, touching my thighs with his hands, he begins using his tongue to pleasure me.

"Uhh!" I make a sound that shows him how good this feels to me.

As he licks between my wet and throbbing folds, I can hear him make sounds like he is enjoying the most exquisite feast.

I grab a pillow that my head rests on as I arch my back.

"Eomer!" I call out.

"Not yet My Lady." He smirks, looking up from my sensitivity.

"I do not think I can hold it back any longer!" I gasp.

He inserts one of his fingers into me, as he continues to nibble and lick the spot he knows is driving me wild. His finger quickening back and fourth into me.

"You are dripping, Keddy" He notes, making him seem more feral.

"Please, let me come undone..." I gasp.

He now inserts another finger as my opening becomes wider, and another not long after.

"Not until you beg for it"
He replies.

This is a different side to Eomer...and I cannot deny that I am enjoying him greatly.

"Please! Sire..."
I say breathily.

I feel a wave of ecstasy wash over me, my stomach tightening as I feel the impending orgasm shift to my heat.

"I think I can allow such a thing....Come for me..." he says.

I feel my eyes roll back into my head as I let out a scream of pure joy.

Eomer comes back up to meet my lips and kisses me as I am halfway through the orgasm. I can taste myself on his tongue as the pleasure calms.

"I want to feel you...." I say, looking into his eyes that are above me. "I can take you...all of you."

He smirks and nods.
"I have no doubt that you can...I think we should find out to make sure though."

I giggle.

He positions himself above me, and slowly enters me. The tip of his member teasing my slightly before it is inside me.

Eomer let's out a sigh of relief as he feels my warmth around him.

He feels so good. I cannot recall a time I felt this way with Legolas, to be truthful, I do not think there was one.

We move together, as he pumps himself in and out of me.

Eomer's breathing becomes staggered now as he becomes rougher with me, ploughing me hard and becoming quicker with every thrust.

I moan with pleasure as he hits every spot, and I find myself nearing once more.

"My Lady, do not come until I tell you to do so."
Eomer orders.

I cannot help the feelings I have, and I do not think I can hold it back again. This man makes me want to let go in every single way.

"I...I...Cannot...." I reply.

He pulls out of me quickly, leaving me to wonder why.

"Why, did you seize?" I ask, catching my breath back.

"I want you on top. Now." He says hastily.

We swap places and he lies where I did just moments ago. I straddle him and he enters me from underneath.

I start to move up and down on his thickness, feeling him twitch inside me. My breasts bounce with me as I milk Eomer for everything he is worth.

"Damn..." He grunts, between moans and staggered breathing.

I scream with delight as another orgasm washes over me.
I collapse onto him, and we swap positions once again, with him standing behind me.

"Damn it Keddy, if you don't stop letting go, I'm going to spill inside you." Eomer said, now entering me from behind.

He is rough now, and I feel so good as he pounds into me.

"Please come inside me my lord..." I reply.

"Take. All. Of. Me!" He says with each thrust, through gritted teeth.

Our bodies drenched in sweat, we are both staggered in our breathing now. His touch weakens as he nears his climax.

I scream out for the final time as his member spasms inside of me, my walls surrounding him as he releases into me.

I hear a grunt and a long sigh of relief as the wave of pleasure washes over him.

We now collapse beside each other. Panting, try to catch our breath.

I rest my head and the palm of my hand on his chest, as he wraps one of his arms around me, and kisses my head.

"I have never felt such joy." Eomer announces, still getting his breath back.

"Nor have I. Let us hope this is only the beginning of such activities between us." I smile, before we both kiss.

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