The Journey to Lothlorien

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Leaving Rivendell without my father knowing would be tricky. I knew that since the idea came to me. I know Legolas would help me, but at the same time I realise, my father would find out soon enough that I had left this home.

I packed up few weapons from the armory and pulled a Cape around me, with the hood covering my head. I made sure that my red tresses were concealed behind the fabric, as to not arouse suspicion. As far as anyone knew, I was merely an Elf helping The Fellowship plot their course to Mordor. This was common practice as an Elf, to guide through to safe passage as we knew routes that were best to avoid trouble.

Erestor, of course was adamant he'd find me. He was a strange fellow, often skulking around nearby to check in on me. He had always wanted to be the one who held my heart, but his caring nature soon turned to obsession. It has been this way for two thousand years with him. His envy of Legolas grew tiresome and despite knowing that we were romantic together, he would try to fight Legolas for my hand, which I would regularly refuse.

"My lord, I cannot find Kedealind anywhere. She is not in her quarters, and nor is she wandering around the grounds. What would you have me do?" Erestor said to my father, who was wise to know that he was annoying me more than anything.

"You do realise Erestor, the behaviour you portray in front of my daughter is understandably why she distances herself from you. You would be wise to let her have some space. She often takes the through road to the forest to read...let her be." Elrond said, as I smirk under my hood.

Erestor sighs and with a sour look on his face, he heads back to the hall.

Legolas shakes his head at this, in disbelief at Erestor.

I notice Arwen saying goodbye to Aragorn. She gave him her Evenstar, which is a pendant each daughter of Elrond is given, to declare their love to someone. Despite me and Legolas being intimate and more than just friendly towards each other, I haven't given him my Evenstar. I do not know why, but I have not felt that there has been a right time to do so.

My father notices that I am not around to wish Legolas well on his journey.

"Has Kedealind not said her farewells to you Legolas? All is well between you, I trust."

Legolas smiles at him and nods.
"She wished me luck this morning before heading into the forest."

"I knew that's where she would be. I often think Erestor makes her feel wonder she travels greatly." Father says.

"Good Luck Legolas...I expect you will take Kedealind's hand in marriage once you return?"

Legolas looks surprised at this as do I, however I have a Cape to hide behind. I cough slightly, taken off guard but no one notices.

Moments later, I ride out with the Fellowship. Gandalf realises something is off with the line up in the group but does not say anything, until we are away from Rivendell that is. He rides up beside me.

"Fooling your father are we?" He says.

I pull my hood down and my eyes look at him from the side. A smirk appearing on my lips.

"Yet you have waited until now to mention it?" I reply.

"If you want to help Frodo destroy the One Ring, I say you are more than capable of making that decision. Your father worries, he wants to protect you, in doing so it pushes you to do the very thing he tries to avoid." He says.

"Being five thousand years old, you would think he would treat me as such. I know he blames himself for what happened to mother, but I need to do this. If I cannot help with saving our lands, then what else would he have me do? Sit alone, in my quarters and read my books until the world ends?" I say slightly frustrated.

"Then prove him wrong. You have a strong will and determination Kedealind, show him you can do more than he believes you can."

Gandalf then rides ahead.

A few hours later, and we arrive in Moria. It is cold, damp and a dusty smell fills the air.

Gandalf figures out a way to open the door to the mines and we walk through. What happened on this day is tragic and after being chased by Goblins, we are faced with the Balrog.

Our hearts sink as Gandalf is lost to the fiery demon, and as we reach the mountain, we stop to take it all in. A tear falls down my cheek, as I remember our Wizard and what he did for my family and many others in Middle-Earth.

Legolas takes my hand as I stand on the mountain looking out at the view.

"Are you well, my love?" He asks.

"No better than anyone else here. How are you?" I reply.


I nod.
"We ride to Lothlorien. My grandmother will let us stay in a safe place for the time being, until we can regain our strength."

My grandmother being Lady Galadriel, My mother's mother.

We wait for the others to compose themselves, before we head out to my Grandmother's kingdom.

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