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I find it hard to sleep during the night we spent at camp, and wander the forest a little more. Soon, sunrise is upon us and as I walk along the river bank, I see Eomer training with his sword. I can see he is well versed in how to use a blade, and the concentration he exhibits is like no other. It is early and he barely notices me walking towards him as he is engrossed in his technique.

I stand and watch a while. He has a spare of everything, a bow, arrows, swords, daggers, anything that is useful in combat.

He stops and notices me.

"Good morning My Lady." He smirks. "You look radiant."

"I do? I am tired, I did not sleep much for I had the thought of the battle on my mind. How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Well, you still look beautiful. I...had other things on my mind." He replied.

"The War?" I ask.

He shakes his head.
"No, what is in my mind is far more joyful...I just cannot stop thinking of her..."

He looks over to me.

I smile like I know what he means.

"Does she have a Green dress and Elf ears?"I ask with a slight giggle.

"That she does, and hair like fire, with the softest lips I have ever kissed...and I hear she plays the Harp..." he muses with a playful tone.

The rain now falls down, my hair dampened from the drops that engulf us both.

His hair runs with water, loosely in front of him as we both shelter under a tree to stay dry, although judging by how soaked we are, then it makes no difference.

We laugh together and our eyes locking once more. My back is against the tree, where Eomer places both his hands either side of me as he becomes closer.
I look at him, my soaked hair clinging to the sides of my face where he brushes it behind my ears, cupping my face in his hands as we kiss. I melt into him as I feel like this is a dream, but a very welcome one. The rain soaking our bodies, helping with the sensation I am feeling. I would very much like to revisit this time and again.
I find my core aching for him, wanting more than our lips to touch, alas for now it is perfect.

"Eomer...I...have to tell you something." I say, pulling away from his kiss gently.

He looks at me with beastly eyes, like he'd rather rip every piece of fabric from my body and have me there. He now has a look of concern on his face.

"Are you satisfied with the way I touch you? The way I kiss you? Would you like me to change something?" He asks.

"I cannot tell you how much you satisfy me, for it would be a lengthy list." I smile. "However, what I am to tell you is something different."

His hands graze my arms as he takes me in.

"Please my Lady, tell me what concerns you."

I take a deep breath.

"The Elf I have travelled with, Legolas, you may have be correct in your thought of us being together, although I do not love him." I notice Eomer's expression has changed to confusion.
"We have been seeing one another for centuries, however I stopped thinking of him romantically only recently. I have not shared a bed with him for years, although I want to tell him I do not hold a torch for him anymore, I feel I would upset him greatly."

Eomer steps back slightly.

"Why did you not tell me when I mentioned him?" Eomer asks.

"I do not think of him and me as a couple anymore. In my case, it is an act to keep others happy, including him. If I truly loved him now like I once did, he would have my Evenstar."

"I have heard of this. It is a pendant you give to someone you care for deeply as a representation of your love?" Eomer says.

I smile.
"Yes, it is. It is a tradition in our family. My sister has one and so do I. Arwen has given hers to Aragorn, and despite me being the eldest of the two of us, I have never given mine to of yet."

I reach to where the Evenstar is, on my necklace, placed on my chest beneath my clothing.

"It is almost as captivating as you..." Eomer states.

Eomer looks at me now, I can see his mind working to figure out what I have told him.

"You would sacrifice your happiness though if it means others are content...what kind of life is that for you? You should be doing something for yourself, that you desire. Telling him would be better than him finding out about us first. Unless you do not wish to continue what we have?" Eomer says.

"I would very much like to continue what we have...I have never felt the way I have the last few days before...and that is because I have strong feelings for you Eomer. You are right, I should tell him. I just do not want to hurt him, I still care for him as a good friend." I add, feeling the guilt building.

"You would hurt him more if you didn't tell him how you felt." Eomer replies.

I nod.
"After we reach Helms Deep. If all is well I will tell him after. I know he will be pained by this, but I cannot lie to him anymore."

Eomer takes his thumb and forefinger to my chin and raises it up slightly, where I have been looking down, thinking about how I would tell Legolas.

He leans in and kisses me once more.

"I must return to the camp, for we leave for Helms Deep soon." He says.

"Yes, of course Horse Lord." I smirk. "Please do not mention to anyone of us until I have spoken to Legolas, I do not want him finding out before I have had a chance to tell him."

Eomer nods.
"Our secret will not leave my lips Keddy."

He winks at me before returning to the Rohirrim.

This man has me falling for him deeper than I have with anyone, and I welcome it.

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